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Thursday, 10 June 2010

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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Ignorance, deception, further persecution also by the “Pacific Region Enforcement Centre”, or are they right?

Mr. Andy Hsu, Enforcement Assistant, always insisted that, if I decide to voluntarily leave Canada, I must compulsorily buy a direct flight ticket Toronto-Italy. He even told, the first time I met him, that I am or I am as “a defector”. I have no idea “defector” of what.

This is the law, if it is not changed (Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and Regulations, Thomson-Carswell, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2008, pp. 345-346):
237. Modality of enforcement – A removal order is enforced by the voluntary compliance of a foreign national with the removal order or by the removal of the foreign national by the Minister.
238. (1) Voluntary compliance – A foreign national who want to voluntarily comply with a removal order must appear before an officer who shall determine if
       (a) the foreign national has sufficient means to effect their departure to a country that they will be authorized to enter; and
       (b) the foreign national intends to voluntarily comply with the requirements set out in paragraphs 240(1)(a) to (c) and will be able to act on that intention.
(2) Choice of the country – Following the appearance referred to in subsection (1), the foreign national must submit their choice of destination to the officer who shall approve the choice unless the foreign national is
(a) a danger to the public;
(b) a fugitive from justice in Canada or another country; or
(c) seeking to evade or frustrate the cause of justice in Canada or another country.”

It seems, if there is not something I do not understand now, that I can go wherever I want. With the Italian Passport [if they give it back to me] I can reach nearly whatever no-bordering [relatively to Canada] country without any previous visa.
Anyway, before, they should offer me the so called PRRA [after 19 June 2010, if I remember well what now Mr. Andy Hsu told me; before he told “after 7 June”]. They should send it by mail, I think...
They have called me, now [on 3 June 2010], for “an interview”, scheduled on Tuesday 22 June 2010, at 9:00.
We’ll see...

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith