Ven, 04/06/2010 - 18:37

Vincent Fodera and his [now, ex-] chief cleaner Angela

Mr. Charles Paul Bedard Burgers
The criminal psychopath officers/[“great” secret]agents of the CSIS-Carabinieri give to their criminal psychopaths militians, as Vincent Fodera and Charles Paul Bedard Burgers, and all the other louses present in the area [American Backpackers Hostel, 347 West Pender Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 1T3, Canada, Phone 604.688.0112, ], as usual, confused orders and, as usual, they let them totally uncovered in the phase of their implementations. If one assembles “government” and “private” criminal psychopaths, one may not reasonably think that they suddenly become honest ad equilibrated. On the contrary..., ...if one assembles “government” and “private” criminal psychopaths, they become increasingly criminal and psychopath.
The same electronic instruments and operational procedures they use make them progressively mentally and physically sicker and sicker.
There are also other aspects we may not talk about...
Yes, the same electronic instruments and operational procedures they use make them progressively mentally and physically sicker and sicker...
These are, about that question [hostel “new” “rules” and prices], the results...
Yesterday [3 June 2010] evening they have removed the discriminatory and insane wall notes inviting “Canadian refugee immigrant[s]” to go away or to pay $20 per day (in dormitories). And they have replaced them by “new” tariffs which re-underline the insane and criminal nature of the whole operation. ...and of Vincent Fodera and Charles Paul Bedard Burgers, + other rubbish, and of the CSIS-Carabinieri lead them.
In practice, they have doubled and quite double nearly ONLY the dorms’ tariffs.
Ah, naturally, since Vincen Fodera and Charles Paul Bedard Burgers are very cunning, they have personally contacted the area of their criminal and insane militians for reassuring them that they’ll go on paying the OLD tariffs.
So, they have illegally introduced discriminatory [only for someone] “new” tariffs.
Vincent Fodera and Charles Paul Bedard Burgers, and all the other louses present in the area [American Backpackers Hostel, 347 West Pender Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 1T3, Canada, Phone 604.688.0112, ], are exponentially more agitated and insane.
They cannot think rationally. They cannot act rationally. They are under the control of uncontrollable pulses.
Voilà the results:
Since they are unstable hysterical...
...these are the official [false and deceptive] prices, on the web:
Rates | Day | Week | Month |
Dorm | 10 | 60 | 240 |
Single | 25 | 140 | 450 |
Double (2 persons) | 35 | 200 | 600 |
*Price is subject to change without notice. |