Vincent Fodera and his [now, ex-] chief cleaner Angela
Mr. Charles Paul Bedard Burgers
The two “great” "managers" for the white torture and white lynching of the CSIS-Carabinieri by the accommodation place [American Backpackers Hostel, 347 West Pender Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 1T3, Canada, Phone 604.688.0112, ], Vincent Fodera and, now, Charles Paul Bedard Burgers, have been put under growing pressure from the CSIS-Carabinieri since they have got no result after 21 months of their insane and criminal activities.
The previous peeping tom’s “great” “manager”, Angela, left, since a progressive aggravation of her mental conditions after more than one year of peeping tom activities by the illegal through wall watching devices given her/them from the CSIS. She became more and more obsessed, as it is the case of all the militians involved in this criminal insane operation of secret police bureaux [CSIS-Carabinieri, in our case, here in Canada, now].
You should see the psychosomatic characteristics, for example, of both Vincent Fodera and Charles Paul Bedard Burgers, the two “great” managers, now, of the [attempted] white torture by my accommodation place, [attempted] white torture implemented using Canadian, German, Russian, Japanese, Italic and other insane mob. Those criminal and insane chaps/louses are constantly changed since the rapid aggravation of their mental and physical conditions because they get no result in their criminal and insane activities at CSIS and Carabinieri orders.
They are progressively worsening. Vincent Fodera, with the basic psychology of a pimp, walks now, even more than before, as an old desperate homeless. Charles Paul Bedard Burgers walks now, even more than before, as a castrated small dog. Psychosomatics...
The other militians are not basically different...
For example, the militians from room 18a laugh constantly in a hysterical stupid and increasingly depressed way. The militians from room 16... ...idem... Yesterday [Monday] morning one of the militians [one of the Canadian ones, a plumber] of room 16 went to the shower room, from 7:50 to 8:25, not for a shower, but for a long masturbation. A complicated operation evidently... ...35 minutes!!! He went out from that long masturbation more depressed than before.
Since they are not only criminal and insane louses in “government”/State illegal clandestine operation, but also ignorant and retarded...
...So, now [last Friday-Saturday (28-29 May 2010)], Vincent Fodera invented, on CSIS-Carabinieri and their other militians’ request [ignorant and idiotic as them, evidently], the differentiated prices, one for me and one for everybody else.
He received the order to push me away from that place... ...for masking, as usual, that they got no result, usual!!!
He wrote a note on the price table: “Refugee[s] and business[people] $600. Tourists $240.” It was something ad personam, only for me. Anyway, since I am not a refugee, I paid equally $240 to Mitoli, a Japanese clerk and cleaner of the staff.
So, the Vincent Fodera’s rage grew up.
Today [1 June 2010], he removed the price table and wrote everywhere:
“On 10 June 2010, Refugee[s] [and] immigrant go away or pay $20 per day [for a bed in a dormitory]. We need your place for tourists and students [at usual prices naturally!!!] etc etc.”
The real price table is the same than before. He wrote all that ONLY for me! Obsessed!!! ...Somebody confirmed me and other people that. Everybody laughs of him and them... ...the great government/State insane and criminal louses.
Naturally, it is everything not only openly insane. It is even openly illegal:
But the BC Human Rights Code prohibits discrimination by landlords "because of the race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation or age of that person or class of persons, or of any other person or class of persons" with some exceptions (e.g. if the space is to be occupied by another person who is to share, with the person making the representation, the use of any sleeping, bathroom or cooking facilities in the space).
Such is the level of NATO’s and other Secret Police Bureaux and their militians!
Such is the level of the “governments”/institutions leading them!