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Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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Jenna Leve, alias JenniferWu, alias 伍純樺, organizer, with her South-African husband Matt/Matthew Leve, of State/“government” terrorism [social lynching and white torture] in Taichung, Taiwan, at the orders of the Taiwanese Military Secret Police

Jenna Leve

Matthew Leve

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Monday, 14 June 2010

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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André Joseph Paradis. Canadian subject

Involved in CSIS’ and Taiwanese Secret police’s social lynching and white torture in Taichung, Taiwan

 Canadian Security Intelligence Service | Service canadien du renseignement de sécurité

Andre Paradis

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Friday, 11 June 2010

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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Mr. Andy Hsu,

if you’ll offer me the PRRA and if I’ll accept it, I have already collected new evidence and I’ll continue to collect it [in addition to the overwhelming one you already had and have] about the Italic and NATO criminal and insane activities [their “demolition program[s]”] against me and about their systematic violation of whatever human and legal right, here: 
with rough copy here:

...Ah, this is your law, for what I have found, on removal orders:
(Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and Regulations, Thomson-Carswell, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2008, pp. 345-346):
237. Modality of enforcement – A removal order is enforced by the voluntary compliance of a foreign national with the removal order or by the removal of the foreign national by the Minister.
238. (1) Voluntary compliance – A foreign national who want to voluntarily comply with a removal order must appear before an officer who shall determine if
       (a) the foreign national has sufficient means to effect their departure to a country that they will be authorized to enter; and
       (b) the foreign national intends to voluntarily comply with the requirements set out in paragraphs 240(1)(a) to (c) and will be able to act on that intention.
(2) Choice of the country – Following the appearance referred to in subsection (1), the foreign national must submit their choice of destination to the officer who shall approve the choice unless the foreign national is
(a) a danger to the public;
(b) a fugitive from justice in Canada or another country; or
(c) seeking to evade or frustrate the cause of justice in Canada or another country.”

Is it changed?
There is any special law only for me?
You had and have the certification from the Italian Police, through the Canadian Embassy in Rome, that I am the purest person of the world and that I am not involved in anything. Are you continuing to act according to the slanders [by faked Interpol files and databases] of NATO military secret [dis]services, your CSIS included, in criminal and insane activities, ...or is your law on removal orders suddenly changed or there is something I have not understood?

I’ll be eager to publish whatever your explanation.

Best regards
Roberto Scaruffi

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Thursday, 10 June 2010

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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Ignorance, deception, further persecution also by the “Pacific Region Enforcement Centre”, or are they right?

Mr. Andy Hsu, Enforcement Assistant, always insisted that, if I decide to voluntarily leave Canada, I must compulsorily buy a direct flight ticket Toronto-Italy. He even told, the first time I met him, that I am or I am as “a defector”. I have no idea “defector” of what.

This is the law, if it is not changed (Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and Regulations, Thomson-Carswell, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2008, pp. 345-346):
237. Modality of enforcement – A removal order is enforced by the voluntary compliance of a foreign national with the removal order or by the removal of the foreign national by the Minister.
238. (1) Voluntary compliance – A foreign national who want to voluntarily comply with a removal order must appear before an officer who shall determine if
       (a) the foreign national has sufficient means to effect their departure to a country that they will be authorized to enter; and
       (b) the foreign national intends to voluntarily comply with the requirements set out in paragraphs 240(1)(a) to (c) and will be able to act on that intention.
(2) Choice of the country – Following the appearance referred to in subsection (1), the foreign national must submit their choice of destination to the officer who shall approve the choice unless the foreign national is
(a) a danger to the public;
(b) a fugitive from justice in Canada or another country; or
(c) seeking to evade or frustrate the cause of justice in Canada or another country.”

It seems, if there is not something I do not understand now, that I can go wherever I want. With the Italian Passport [if they give it back to me] I can reach nearly whatever no-bordering [relatively to Canada] country without any previous visa.
Anyway, before, they should offer me the so called PRRA [after 19 June 2010, if I remember well what now Mr. Andy Hsu told me; before he told “after 7 June”]. They should send it by mail, I think...
They have called me, now [on 3 June 2010], for “an interview”, scheduled on Tuesday 22 June 2010, at 9:00.
We’ll see...

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Sunday, 6 June 2010

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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Oh, mio caro, ti piace farti fare il culo. Eccoti servito!
Professor Virgilio Ilari involved in SecretCarabinieri’s terrorism!

Oh, my great friend Virgilio, do you like to play?! Splendid! Now we play...

Do you want to complain for this [non]-“slander”?! Please, formally denounce me to a Prosecution Office. In Italy, that is free of charge. Better, Italy, legal action and consequent prosecutions are mandatory!
... Virgilio Ilari lives in Rome, the capital...
And these [my] lines are the [ additional...] notitia criminis.
Since, In Italy [not differently from the Anglophone world], everybody is variously intercepted, it will be easy to verify my claims (in the title of this “forum”, ...and in also in the title of this note; other things are “old”).

Ah, anyway, the “great” Professor Virgilio Ilari is an excellent witness about my finally [2002] academically perfect PhD research by the Université Catholique de Louvain [in Louvain-La-Neuve], Belgium, without the awarding of the formal degree, since officially unknown reasons. ...NATO-Carabinieri’s terrorism! ...My PhD is not failed... ...My PhD is as staying, infinitely staying...
More precisely, he [Professor Virgilio Ilari] can be a witness about the slanders of prof. André-Paul Frognier [in occasion of the “final” meeting of the Doctoral Commission which listened the presentation of my PhD research (late 2001); Frognier was acting as an agent of the Belgian Military Secret Police, which had ordered him (since 1999) not to award me my PhD; later (April-May 2002), when there was the majority of the Doctoral Commission for the awarding of my PhD, he (Frognier) blackmailed my supervisor (Jacques Herman) telling him that he (Frognier) had sure information from the Belgian Military Secret Police that I was a dangerous terrorist and criminal (there is the recent certification of the Italian Police, through the Canadian Embassy in Rome, that I am the cleanest person of the world!) and that anyway my PhD ought not be awarded to me; he (Frognier) told him (Jacques Herman) that if he (Jacques Herman) had tried to hamper the NATO-Belgian Military Secret Police will, he (Jacques Herman) would have been rapidly fired from the University and not in condition to find any other academic position, anywhere in the world; Frognier assured Herman that the Rector was perfectly informed and that the University had been fully involved and collaborative with the demolition program against me, since I had reached the UCL in LLN, Belgium (1999)], to which he believed.
He [Professor Virgilio Ilari] can be also a witness that, later (April-May 2002), when there was, finally, the majority of the Doctoral Commission [thanks, finally, to his vote], my PhD was not formally awarded, since some “mysterious” circumstance: the further intervention of secret services at NATO level, and specifically of the Belgian Military Secret Police. The only Italic Carabinieri’s Secret Police could do nothing, in Belgium, and elsewhere, without strong worldwide NATO assistance to these operations [one (the selected ones) must not be allowed to work, to study and to live and so one must be pushed to different life... ...for committing crimes (terrorism, in my case; ...killing of government consultants...???; I was and I am not available) wanted from Carabinieri Secret Police (dis)Services] and, concretely, to the operation against me.

Carabinieri Secret Police [dis]Services, do you like to be fucked?!
NATO Secret Police [dis]Services, do you like to be fucked?!  
“Great” Professor Virgilio Ilari, do like to be fucked?!
Enjoy it, my friends!

Thank you, my great friend Virgilio, for this unique occasion!

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Friday, 4 June 2010

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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//” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Vincent Fodera and his [now, ex-] chief cleaner Angela

//” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
Mr. Charles Paul Bedard Burgers

The criminal psychopath officers/[“great” secret]agents of the CSIS-Carabinieri give to their criminal psychopaths militians, as Vincent Fodera and Charles Paul Bedard Burgers, and all the other louses present in the area [American Backpackers Hostel, 347 West Pender Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 1T3, Canada, Phone 604.688.0112, ], as usual, confused orders and, as usual, they let them totally uncovered in the phase of their implementations. If one assembles “government” and “private” criminal psychopaths, one may not reasonably think that they suddenly become honest ad equilibrated. On the contrary..., ...if one assembles “government” and “private” criminal psychopaths, they become increasingly criminal and psychopath.  
The same electronic instruments and operational procedures they use make them progressively mentally and physically sicker and sicker.
There are also other aspects we may not talk about...
Yes, the same electronic instruments and operational procedures they use make them progressively mentally and physically sicker and sicker...
These are, about that question [hostel “new” “rules” and prices], the results...
Yesterday [3 June 2010] evening they have removed the discriminatory and insane wall notes inviting “Canadian refugee immigrant[s]” to go away or to pay $20 per day (in dormitories). And they have replaced them by “new” tariffs which re-underline the insane and criminal nature of the whole operation. ...and of Vincent Fodera and Charles Paul Bedard Burgers, + other rubbish, and of the CSIS-Carabinieri lead them.
In practice, they have doubled and quite double nearly ONLY the dorms’ tariffs.
Ah, naturally, since Vincen Fodera and Charles Paul Bedard Burgers are very cunning, they have personally contacted the area of their criminal and insane militians for reassuring them that they’ll go on paying the OLD tariffs.
So, they have illegally introduced discriminatory [only for someone] “new” tariffs.    
Vincent Fodera and Charles Paul Bedard Burgers, and all the other louses present in the area [American Backpackers Hostel, 347 West Pender Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 1T3, Canada, Phone 604.688.0112, ], are exponentially more agitated and insane.
They cannot think rationally. They cannot act rationally. They are under the control of uncontrollable pulses.
Voilà the results:


Since they are unstable hysterical...
...these are the official [false and deceptive] prices, on the web:

Double (2 persons)
*Price is subject to change without notice.

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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//” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
Vincent Fodera and his [now, ex-] chief cleaner Angela

//” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
Mr. Charles Paul Bedard Burgers

The two “great” "managers" for the white torture and white lynching of the CSIS-Carabinieri by the accommodation place [American Backpackers Hostel, 347 West Pender Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 1T3, Canada, Phone 604.688.0112, ], Vincent Fodera and, now, Charles Paul Bedard Burgers, have been put under growing pressure from the CSIS-Carabinieri since they have got no result after 21 months of their insane and criminal activities.

The previous peeping tom’s “great” “manager”, Angela, left, since a progressive aggravation of her mental conditions after more than one year of peeping tom activities by the illegal through wall watching devices given her/them from the CSIS. She became more and more obsessed, as it is the case of all the militians involved in this criminal insane operation of secret police bureaux [CSIS-Carabinieri, in our case, here in Canada, now].    

You should see the psychosomatic characteristics, for example, of both Vincent Fodera and Charles Paul Bedard Burgers, the two “great” managers, now, of the [attempted] white torture by my accommodation place, [attempted] white torture implemented using Canadian, German, Russian, Japanese, Italic and other insane mob. Those criminal and insane chaps/louses are constantly changed since the rapid aggravation of their mental and physical conditions because they get no result in their criminal and insane activities at CSIS and Carabinieri orders.   
They are progressively worsening. Vincent Fodera, with the basic psychology of a pimp, walks now, even more than before, as an old desperate homeless. Charles Paul Bedard Burgers walks now, even more than before, as a castrated small dog. Psychosomatics...
The other militians are not basically different...
For example, the militians from room 18a laugh constantly in a hysterical stupid and increasingly depressed way. The militians from room 16... ...idem... Yesterday [Monday] morning one of the militians [one of the Canadian ones, a plumber] of room 16 went to the shower room, from 7:50 to 8:25, not for a shower, but for a long masturbation. A complicated operation evidently... ...35 minutes!!! He went out from that long masturbation more depressed than before.

Since they are not only criminal and insane louses in “government”/State illegal clandestine operation, but also ignorant and retarded...

...So, now [last Friday-Saturday (28-29 May 2010)], Vincent Fodera invented, on CSIS-Carabinieri and their other militians’ request [ignorant and idiotic as them, evidently], the differentiated prices, one for me and one for everybody else.
He received the order to push me away from that place... ...for masking, as usual, that they got no result, usual!!!
He wrote a note on the price table: “Refugee[s] and business[people] $600. Tourists $240.” It was something ad personam, only for me. Anyway, since I am not a refugee, I paid equally $240 to Mitoli, a Japanese clerk and cleaner of the staff.
So, the Vincent Fodera’s  rage grew up.
Today [1 June 2010], he removed the price table and wrote everywhere:
“On 10 June 2010, Refugee[s] [and] immigrant go away or pay $20 per day [for a bed in a dormitory]. We need your place for tourists and students [at usual prices naturally!!!] etc etc.”
The real price table is the same than before. He wrote all that ONLY for me! Obsessed!!! ...Somebody confirmed me and other people that. Everybody laughs of him and them... ...the great government/State insane and criminal louses.

Naturally, it is everything not only openly insane. It is even openly illegal:
But the BC Human Rights Code prohibits discrimination by landlords "because of the race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation or age of that person or class of persons, or of any other person or class of persons" with some exceptions (e.g. if the space is to be occupied by another person who is to share, with the person making the representation, the use of any sleeping, bathroom or cooking facilities in the space).

Such is the level of NATO’s and other Secret Police Bureaux and their militians!
Such is the level of the “governments”/institutions leading them!

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith