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Sunday, 25 April 2010

...NEXT STEP... On 15 April 2010, my Canadian Refugee Protection Claim has been rejected

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Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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...NEXT STEP... On 15 April 2010, my Canadian Refugee Protection Claim has been rejected

On 15 April 2010 [communication received today, 19 April 2010], 3 weeks after the hearing [25 March 2010], my refugee protection claim has been rejected, despite the massive evidence I had provided.

No problem. The Canadian experience has been very positive, because it permitted me to produce further massive evidence also about the Canadian-AnglophoneArea-NATO involvement in this criminal and insane operation for producing internal terrorism, as presented in other threads of this forum.

The reason, claimed from Mr. Philip MacAulay, is elliptic and complex. Anyway, in my interpretation, and as he has written, he rejected the claim for absence of “independent witnesses or statements to corroborate any material aspects of his claim.” In practice, he wanted a formal Italian and/or NATO declaration about these governments’ covert subversive operations... Actually, the declaration of the Interior_Ministry/Questura_di_Torino, through the Canadian Embassy in Rome was (as I have claimed also during the hearing) such a document combined with my public accusations against countries/States [and people of countries/States] where prosecution is compulsory, and despite that there were and there are no prosecutions against me and/or on my accusations in such countries/States, neither elsewhere.  

Since also the Canadian Secret Service [CSIS] was and is fully involved in this story since more than 6 years [I publicly accused also it and its militians with even names and pictures in some cases; see other threads of this forum], and since Anglophone countries/States are tightly totalitarian areas, it was clear that it was highly improbable that my [political] asylum request could be accepted.   

Anyway, I repeat that, no problem. The Canadian experience has been very positive, because, I repeat that, it permitted me to produce further massive evidence also about the Canadian-AnglophoneArea-NATO involvement in this criminal and insane operation for producing internal terrorism, as presented in other threads of this forum.

Actually, precisely the Canadian experience permitted me to produce decisive evidence.
Even this rejection is further evidence in my favour.

My next steps? ...Absolutely quiet, peaceful and rational as usual.
“Their” next steps? Criminal and insane bureaucracies follow repetitive-paranoid patterns...  

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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A precise bias, ...alias obsession!!!
The inadmissibility/“exclusion issue” they were [obviously!!!] sure to find and they could NOT find

The article 1-F of the 1951 Refugee Convention states:
“The provisions of this Convention shall not apply to any person with respect to whom there are serious reasons for considering that:
“(a) he has committed a crime against peace, a war crime, or a crime against humanity, as defined in the international instruments drawn up to make provision in respect of such crimes;
“(b) he has committed a serious non-political crime outside the country of refuge prior to his admission to that country as a refugee;
“(c) he has been guilty of acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.”

The Refugee Protection Division was [already] clearly taken over from the Canadian Secret Service, the CSIS, when I was called from Mr. Barry Dhillon for the 18 December 2009 “conference”. The CSIS took over everything and everybody just I reached Canada and asked for asylum on 31 August 2008.

...Ah, the “Screening Form” has a date, 11/12/2009, that, generally, in Canada, means 12 November 2009. Since the form is clearly written, after the “conference”, it is better to reaffirm that the “conference” was held on 18 December 2009. The form has a [another?] false. It claims a “Regular (half-day hearing). The “hearing”, the “conference with Mr. Barry Dhillon, took an [1] hour. hour, NOT “half a day”. As later Mr. Philip MacAulay [the “judge”], Mr. Barry Dhillon was totally defocused relatively to the reasons of the asylum request. His only purpose clearly was [there are the tapes of the conference and his post-conference acts!] to find some reason of inadmissibility/“exclusion” so that the case, which see the heavy involvement and active criminal-insane support of various Anglophone secret services, CSIS included, could not arrive to its natural outcome: the confused and embarrassed rejection from the “judge”, Mr. Philip MacAulay. ...They wanted to avoid the further evidence in my favour, of a confused and embarrassed rejection/refusal.

   Mr. Barry Dhillon had no desire to listen my case and the CSIS involvement I have and had even carefully and detailed documented in

Mr. Barry Dhillon wanted only to find some reason for inadmissibility/“exclusion”. It’ll be clear from the transcripts... [I have asked for them] It is since I reached Canada that the CSIS acts for provoking some incident could be used for inadmissibility/“exclusion”. ...Also before... It is a recurrent pattern in this case: “governments”/States in desperate need to provoke incidents, [THEY] continuously committing [24 hours a day, everyday] crimes and insanities.

After the 18 December 2009 “conference”...

Ah, there is my immediate clear answer to that Mr. Barry Dhillon odd and explicitly biased behaviour: 

Mer, 30/12/2009 - 01:21
Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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Roberto Scaruffi
xxx, x. xxxxxx., Vancouver B.C.
RPD file n. xxxxx
client ID: xxxxx

To the Immigration and Refugee Board
Western Region
Library Square
Suite 1600 300 West Georgia St.
Vancouver, BC V6B 6C9

= your 23 December 2009 communications (from Mr. Barry Dhillon)  


As clearly stated since my arrival on the Canadian territory (31 August 2008) my asylum request (against Italy, Belgium, China and RoC/Taiwan) is NOT specifically for events on the Italian territory. It is, instead, for what organised from the Italian State/“government” when I was abroad, specifically from the early year 2000 until now.

The demolition program organised from the Italian State/“government” articulates in white torture and social lynching, in practice an individualised obsessive long pogrom. I already provided the factual details: obsessive organised destructive [white] lynching by residence buildings (specifically white torture & privacy deprivation, in residence buildings), and by study and working places. The goal was: “he [I] must not be allowed to study and to work, not even to sleep and to live, abroad because he must be obliged to go back to Italy were equally he must not be allowed to work etc.” I already specified what they wanted from me in the context of these State/“government” criminal programs for producing and using forms of internal terrorism. I was not and I am not available. Since they are super-clandestine programs at NATO/military level, only your CSIS, or military special services, can provide you with the necessary information.    

Since your CSIS-government cooperated with these crimes on the Taiwan territory (2004-2008), and now it is cooperating on the Canadian territory (2008-?), it is objectively my witnesses. I have not the power to ask it. You have.

Since your CSIS, for the continuation of their crimes on the Canadian territory, immediately (31 August 2008) asked for and get the cooperation of your CBSA, your Special Investigation Hearings Unit has information on these CSIS-CBSA crimes just it checks my name. Your Special Investigation Hearings Unit has only to tell the truth or, if it does not, it just will cover the CSIS and CSIS-CBSA crimes.       

Best regards
Roberto Scaruffi

The outcome of that 18 December 2009 “conference” is clear and, again, clearly biased. A Mr. Barry Dhillon letter, dated 23 December 2009, alerted the “Canadian Border Services Agency – Special Investigations Hearings Unit – 300 West Georgia Street Suite 700 – Vancouver BC V6B6C8”, NOT for investigating on the same CSIS crimes against me and about the various circumstances I have denounced [from the falsified Interpol files, to everything else, included the Tokyo airport kidnapping for example].

No, he alerted it [their Special Investigations Hearings Unit] ONLY because
“There may be potential IF(a)(b)(c) Exclusion issues in this claim. [...]
“Under the circumstances, please advise us as soon as possible as to your participation in the hearing.”

...See article 1-F of the 1951 Refugee Convention, at the beginning of this text.

A confession! [...of their biases]

...No, they [their Special Investigations Hearings Unit] did NOT come to hearing. For the day of the hearing (25 March 2010), I had already received, since the CSIS desperate action to invent something against me, the full support of the Italian Police to my asylum request [...perhaps somebody of the Italian Police wanted to fuck the criminal and insane terrorist officers of the Carabinieri Secret Police; the “information” from the Italian Police has also another implicit message: “We are disgusted also with you, Canadian government criminal and insane terrorists! Fuck yourselves by yourselves!”]. ...The Special Investigations Hearings Unit did not come. If it had come, I would have been able to formally question them, perhaps... Anyway, there was a self-believing very astute [in my opinion, only cunning and not professional, neither honest] “judge”, Mr. Philip MacAulay, who equally had no interest to discuss of the CSIS crimes-insanities [in connection with Italic and other Secret Police Bureaux involved in my case] even on the Canadian territory, “Canadian” crimes-insanities I had heavily and unequivocally documented. He wanted to find some excuse of inadmissibility/“exclusion”. He failed. He stated the rejection/refusal of the case... Ah, he claimed that I am reliable but I have [perhaps] imagined everything [It is another, a further, confession... …The “professors” (the various “professor Ferracuti”) consulting the Carabinieri Secret Police Bureaux in pro-terrorist action for these criminal and insane operations for producing terrorism and terrorists, advised them that people (their targets), overall if they have “doubt” ...or certainties..., must be induced to self-believe that they have imagined and are imagining everything: that is a precise operational directive given to their militians!]. Why they have not asked and do not ask for police investigations? They even have a Special Investigations Hearings Unit!!! ...I had always asked for police investigations, even directly. There is my email to the police, somewhere here:
Do you have any news?! I have NOT!

Why they have not asked and do not ask for police investigations? Why?! ...Because they are guilty and they know they are guilty?

I have carefully documented EVERYTHING.
They have disproved NOTHING!

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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This kind of provocations are frequently, at periodic rhythm, and since always, organized from Italian Military [Carabinieri] Secret Police Bureaux in the context of NATO [pro-]terrorist programs. In this case, the NATO and British participation is public. 

There is a general frame. There are more specific goals.
This [the next lines] is the general frame.
People and areas [generally] abusively qualified as "extremist" from corrupted and insane Carabinieri [a military corps] Secret Police officers, and from the academicians ["consultants"] working for them and with them, are 
[1] obstructed relatively to whatever independent social action, sometimes also to whatever normal personal life, 
[2] so pushed ["they" believe!] to clandestinity and terrorism,
[3] managed [when "they" are successful in pushing people to terrorism], by various hetero-management techniques, from Carabinieri-military Secret Police Bureaux either for mass terrorism or more selective programs; see the relatively recent killing of modernizers [see the periodic "terrorist" assassination of government consultants (modernizers)]
[4] eventually arrested, who not really useful or not any more useful, in connection with the "discovery" of weapons and of [frequently imaginary] "armed organizations" for showing that there is an incoming "terrorist danger".
"They" [Carabinieri-military Secret Police Bureaux] have really a periodic [each a few weeks or months] need to invent "terrorist groups" just discovered and arrested, with connected Orwellian slandering through media
Since always, the British, and later also others [USA, NATO etc], deal in this way with their Italic clients in the Italic compradoro space.  


April 19, 2010 

EMERGENCY, in conjunction with the Italian embassy, is arranging the homecoming of Matteo Dell’Aira, Marco Garatti and Matteo Pagani, which is expected to take place in the next few days, as soon as aircraft matters are ascertained.
EMERGENCY has learned from some Italian press reports that closure of the Lashkar-gah hospital would be one of the conditions for the release of its personnel. EMERGENCY has had no notification of the sort, or with regard to any type of agreements.  The officials of the Afghan security services stated to journalists the same information that was confirmed to our personnel: that they were freed and found not guilty of any wrong doing. Thus, their release is not based on any type of agreement, but on assertion of the facts.
All decisions to be made with regard to the reopening of the Lashkar-gah hospital will be taken by EMERGENCY in collaboration with the Afghan Ministry of Health.
Last night, reportedly by the press, some of the other Afghan EMERGENCY staff members who had been taken into custody together with the three Italians, have also been freed. EMERGENCY lawyers continue to follow the situation and conditions of the Afghan personnel.
April 18, 2010

Sunday, April 18. Matteo Dell’Aira, Marco Garatti, and Matteo Pagani Guazzugli Bonaiuti, who were being detained in an Afghan security services facility, have been freed with no indictments charged against them. Finally, after a week with no access to legal recourse, they will be able to contact their families and colleagues.
We thank everyone in Italy, Afghanistan, and worldwide who worked in collaboration with EMERGENCY to attain their release.Attorneys appointed by EMERGENCY continue to work on the case with regard to the Afghan staff members still being detained by the security services, and whose news, health conditions, legal status, or location are still being withheld.
April 14, 2010

Milan, Italy - For 96 hours we have not had any official news regarding the EMERGENCY staff being held by the National Directorate of Security (NDS), the Afghan secret service agency.
Neither EMERGENCY, nor the families of the nine EMERGENCY staff members taken away 96 hours ago (including Italian nationals Matteo Dell’Aira, Marco Garatti and Matteo Pagani) have received any official news regarding their condition.
We have had no updates regarding the state of their health, and thus far we have no knowledge as to whether formal charges have been brought against them, or whether they have been able to see any attorneys; even though legal counsel has been appointed by EMERGENCY.
We have learned that they are still at the NDS facility in the Helmand region. The NDS reports directly to the National Security Council and ultimately to President Karzai. It is continually the focus of many grievances by international organizations such as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International for repeated human rights violations and for a failure to recognize legal rights for those detained under current Afghan law.
Therefore, we ask the Foreign Ministry again to do everything in its power to secure guarantees regarding our colleagues health and safety and their timely release.
April 13, 2010
The six EMERGENCY employees who were still in Lashkar-gah after the combined raid on the EMERGENCY hospital carried out by the Afghan police and intelligence agents, and the NATO-ISAF military forces, have reached Kabul.
Among the six people are a logistician from the Kabul hospital who went to Lashkar-gah immediately after the raid, as well as an anesthetist, three Italian nurses and an Indian physiotherapist who were all working in the facility. Following the incident which led to the detainment of Marco Garatti, Matteo Dell’Aira and Matteo Pagani, the staff had been staying at the international staff house in the city.
After the raid, the remaining EMERGENCY staff was not allowed to re-enter the hospital, and EMERGENCY no longer holds responsibility for any activity within the hospital.
The 72-hour detention limit has expired, and no information has been released concerning the legal status of those being confined; Marco Garatti, Matteo Dell’Aira and Matteo Pagani. EMERGENCY has yet to be informed of the charges being brought against them.  In addition, it is unknown whether or not they have been notified of their legal rights, including the possibility of appointing a defense attorney.
EMERGENCY is awaiting clarification from the Italian embassy in Kabul which is following the developing situation regarding the condition of the EMERGENCY personnel in custody.
Milan, April 10, 2010
On Saturday, April 10, 2010, Afghan police and secret service agents entered and searched the surgical centre run by the Italian Ngo EMERGENCY in Lashkar-gah, in the southern province of Helmand. Three of our employees, Italian citizens, were taken into custody at approximately 4 P. M.  local time.
We still have not been able to reach them by phone. The only contact we have been able to make has been through one of the employee’s cell phones answered by someone who identified himself as a British military official. This person notified us that the Italians were well, but unavailable to speak at the time.
Five other employees, including four Italians and one Indian, are currently at the international staff house, and in constant phone contact with our staff in Milan. No Afghan authorities or representatives from the international coalition have contacted us to explain the reasons for this detention.
We have learned through the Associated Press that some individuals, including Afghan citizens and “two Italian doctors”, have been detained in an alleged plot to assassinate the governor of Helmand Province. This accusation sounds simply groundless to us, and we are absolutely certain that the truth will come forth quickly.
Nevertheless we call for the Afghan government, police and security forces to carry out the investigations of this case with full respect of all of our employees’ rights. These are individuals who for years have been working to ensure medical treatment for the Afghan people. We ask that their rights be respected, the first of which is to allow them to communicate with us and let us know their personal conditions.
EMERGENCY has been present in Afghanistan since 1999 with three surgical centres, a maternity centre, and 28 first aid posts.
EMERGENCY has been present in Lashkar-gah since 2004 with one surgical centre for victims of war where more than 66,000 people have been treated free of charge. 

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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9/11 & American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out

Practically from the moment the dust settled in New York and Washington after the attacks of September 11, a movement has grown of survivors, witnesses, and skeptics who have never quite been able to accept the official story. This volume, with essays by intellectuals from different disciplines as well as from different parts of the world, argues that the official story about 9/11 must be rejected and a new analysis of 9/11 is urgently needed.

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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Government of the Shadows: Parapolitics and Criminal Sovereignity

Government of the Shadows" analyzes the concept of clandestine government. It explores how covert political activity and transnational organized crime are linked -and how they ultimately work to the advantage of state and corporate power. The chapter written by Daniele Ganser analyses the “Propaganda Due” (P2), an Italian network of politicians, military officers and industrialists discovered in 1981, which operated as a parallel state beyond democratic control.

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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Terrorism in Western Europe back

  •  Terrorism in Western Europe

Terrorism in Western Europe
An Approach to NATO’s Secret Stay-Behind Armies
Author(s) of chapter
Daniele Ganser
01. 02. 2005
Erschienen bei
The Whitehead Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations
1538 6589

open article
Research into terrorism in Western Europe has for many years focused on the „Red Brigades“ in Italy, the „Rote Armee Fraktion (RAF)“ in Germany, the "Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA)" in Spain, and the "Irish Republican Army (IRA)" in Ireland. New historical research shows, however, that next to these well known terrorist groups another set of secret units existed on the same continent: stay-behind armies controlled by NATO, the CIA and MI6, some of which seem also to have bee linked to terrorism and crime. This new data, as presented in the paper, opens up a set of disturbing new questions on our understanding of the history of terrorism in Europe.

In this age of global concern about terrorism, in which secret services are thought of as part of the solution and not as part of the problem, it is greatly upsetting to discover that Western Europe and the United States collaborated in establishing secret armed networks which in the majority of countries are suspected of having had links to acts of terrorism.

Today on both sides of the Atlantic, scientists and concerned citizens wonder what must be done in both the United States and the EU to prevent the future abuse of power and the continued manipulation of societies with terror. The data on NATO’s secret armies indicates some of the complexities involved in such questions.

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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Fear as a Weapon back

  •  Fear as a Weapon

Fear as a Weapon
The effects of psychological warfare on domestic and international politics
Author(s) of chapter
Daniele Ganser
01. 11. 2005
Erschienen bei
World Affairs. The Journal of International Issues
0971 8052

open article

If we think about weapons today, we often produce the pictures of guns, tanks, atomic bombs, aircraft carries and fighter jets in our minds. However, one of the most influential weapons is invisible to the human eye: Fear. The phenomenon fear is being studied by the military discipline “psychological warfare” (PSYWAR) and is being used also today on the global battlefields to discredit and weaken an enemy. This paper presents examples from the Cold War period when fear was used as a weapon in order to inform the reader how fear might be used as a weapon today.

Field Manual FM 30-31B details how and when the state can carry out terrorist operations.       

A whole mechanism came into action…the Carabinieri, the Minister of the Interior, the customs services, and the military and civilian intelligence services accepted the ideological reasoning behind the attack.” Elements of the Italian state, in other words, supported the terror and thus the politics of fear.

According to the findings of the Italian Senate the strategy of tension had thus been implemented by members of both the US and Italian national security agencies, including the CIA and the SISMI, which had linked up with extremists who then had planted the bombs. General Giandelio Maletti, former head of Italian counterintelligence, confirmed this account in March 2001, but a few months before the terrorist attacks of 9/11 in New York and Washington DC.



hose very few scientists who have researched the fields of psychological
warfare and published on the subject realise that the weapon of fear is still being used today by a number of international actors in the context of the socalled ‘war on terrorism’. Without fear the so-called ‘war on terrorism’ could not succeed. Yet fear cripples the personal development of every human being and promotes violence in human interactions. Therefore all efforts should be made to assess the reality and power of fear as a secret weapon. Thereafter a conscious decision to monitor one’s own emotions, and particularly one’s fears and those who manipulate them, can allow every human being to break free from the destructive circle of fear and violence. For fear is a dangerous weapon only as long as the target remains ignorant of its real causes and the secret strategy is undetected. In full light it loses its strength and tends to dissolve. Regaining control of one’s own thoughts and emotions, and making a conscious decision to steer clear of fear and hatred, seem therefore, adequate answers to some of the major challenges of the twenty-first century.

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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The CIA in Western Europe and the Abuse of Human Rights back

  •  The CIA in Western Europe and the Abuse of Human Rights

The CIA in Western Europe and the Abuse of Human Rights
An Approach to NATO’s Secret Stay-Behind Armies
Author(s) of chapter
Daniele Ganser
01. 12. 2006
Erschienen bei
Intelligence and National Security
0268 4527

open article
Covert action by the CIA and other intelligence services is designed toremain secret. Academics and the public at large therefore to this veryday face great difficulties in answering two specific questions: Whatcovert action has the CIA carried out in Europe during its almost60 years of existence? Did CIA covert action violate human rights in Europe? Drawing on new historical research this paper approaches these questions and presents a set of answers.

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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When a Pubblico Ministero or a member of Polizia Giudiziaria becomes aware of the fact that a crime was committed, he must begin his investigation: in Italy, the public prosecutor has the duty to initiate criminal proceedings.


Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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The State Police/Interior Ministry dissociates itself from the criminal activities of Carabinieri and NATO Secret Police Bureaux

This informative note, sent to the Canadian Embassy in Rome from the Italic Interior Ministry, is a real masterpiece by which the Interior Ministry try to dissociate itself from the criminal activities of the Carabinieri Secret Police and of other NATO Secret Police Bureaux.

At the same time, this masterpiece certifies the truthfulness of all my accusations against the clandestine criminal activities of the Carabinieri Secret Police Bureaux. It is a full support to my “refugee protection claim” in Canada.  

In these administrative offices of the Interior Ministry and of the local/territorial State Police Headquarters [Questure], there are people generally with a degree in law and with previous studies by classical lyceums. They are expert in using language and symbolisms.

It is what they do in this informative note.

It is better to reproduce the whole text, as translated from Canadian authorities, and later to explain the message sent through it.

It was sent to a Canadian translation office [from Italian to English] on 02 February 2010 and received back from the Immigration and Refugee Board on 10 February 2010.  

“Your ref.: Request for verification of February 6, 2009 and March 26, 2009.
“Canadian Embassy in Rome
“Subject: Roberto SCARUFFI, born on March 11, 2009 [sic] in La Spezia
 “Further to the note of this office dated March 31, 2009, we are writing to provide additional information received from the police headquarters in Turin on the subject named above.”   
“A leftist sympathizer since the 1980’s, in 1981, Roberto Scaruffi was arrested for participation in a subversive organization, robbery and other offences. While acquitted of criminal association, he was convicted of the other crimes. He was released due to the lapse of the time limit for preventive custody, and at remand hearings, the Court of Cassation dismissed the sentence and the First Section of the Turin of Assize and Appeal passed a final acquittal of all charges.
“It appears that while he was in China as a student, in March 2004, he was expelled by the Chinese authorities for aggressive behaviour.”
“In September 2008, Scaruffi attempted to embark for the United States of America at Tokyo Airport with the intention of asking for political asylum in that country, but he was refused boarding since he did not have the mandatory return flight ticket.”
“There are several posting linked to Scaruffi on the Internet in which he expressed the belief that he is being persecuted and watched by the authorities.

Splendid, divine, masterpiece!
Thank you “Police Headquarters of Turin” [Questura di Torino]. It is a splendid accusation act against the Italic, Canadian and NATO Secret Police Bureaux implementing these criminal and insane programs!  

“(...) we are writing to provide additional information (...)”. They had already provided some information, evidently useless against me. Somebody and/or something solicited additional information usable against me. They have NOT provided it!  

“A leftist sympathizer since the 1980’s, in 1981, Roberto Scaruffi was arrested for participation in a subversive organization, robbery and other offences. While acquitted of criminal association, he was convicted of the other crimes. He was released due to the lapse of the time limit for preventive custody, and at remand hearings, the Court of Cassation dismissed the sentence and the First Section of the Turin of Assize and Appeal passed a final acquittal of all charges.”
It is casual, imprecise, inconsistent, even without dates. I have already provided RELIABLE and PRECISE information about that. Anyway, it certifies that “final acquittal of all charges.” 2 charges [1+1 later for prolonging the preventive detention]. Arrested on 3 July 1981. 1 acquittal on 25 October 1984. Released on 26 October 1984. Final acquittal from the other charge in the first half of March 1990, perhaps around 10-11 March 1990.
So, your slanders in Italy and abroad with the complicity of the various NATO countries and even outside the NATO area?! ...20-25 years of slanders, of social lynching in Italy and abroad?!   
In addition, the casual and annoyed tone of this passage sends another message. The Interior Ministry has NO interest in me. I am the most honest person of the world. I am involved in NOTHING, alias I am NOT involved in anything.
So, your slanders in Italy and abroad, with the complicity of the various NATO country and even outside the NATO area?! ...20-25 years of slanders, of social lynching in Italy and abroad?!
...with connected, from the year 2000, of obsessive and continuous white torture?  

Since this was not usable against me, but only in my favour, somebody and/or something pretended something eventually usable, from a judge or commissar of the Refugee Board/Court for justify a rejection of my refugee protection claim. Some insane idiot of some Secret Police Bureaux told: “Write that about China-2004”:
“It appears that while he was in China as a student, in March 2004, he was expelled by the Chinese authorities for aggressive behaviour.”
The “Police Headquarters of Turin” [Questura di Torino] have the complete photocopy of my old passport. They verified that this disinformation was a slander. They wrote it equally. I could easily claim that it was a new, further, slander. THEY wanted to fuck the Carabinieri and others of Secret Police Bureaux organising suck insanities and crimes.
Better, YOU have the certified copy of my old passport. YOU may and can easily verify that this is just an additional slander. So, those who control the official informations in Italy are cheaters and slanderers!
I have already declared that, on Italic Secret Police Bureaux request, with NATO cooperation, I was submitted, also in China, to an obsessive social lynching and to an obsessive white torture. Now, you have the evidence that I am reliable while this State/“government” rubbish are what they are. They are cheaters and slanders. I am not.   

Under pressure from some Carabinieri Secret Police Bureaux, the “Police Headquarters of Turin” [Questura di Torino] wrote, equally in a casual and annoyed tone:
“In September 2008, Scaruffi attempted to embark for the United States of America at Tokyo Airport with the intention of asking for political asylum in that country, but he was refused boarding since he did not have the mandatory return flight ticket.”
At that time, I was in Canada. I have already referred about my kidnapping by the Tokyo airport on Italic and U.S. request. NOT in September 2008. The benevolent functionary of the “Police Headquarters of Turin” [Questura di Torino] told you “political asylum”. No, when I talked with a functionary of the U.S. immigration a said only “asylum”. By this “political asylum”, the functionary of the State Police of the “Police Headquarters of Turin” [Questura di Torino] wanted just to send a further message about this criminal operation of Carabinieri-NATO Secret Police Bureaux for producing internal terrorists and terrorism.

Voilà, the final and nearly official certification from the Italic Interior Ministry that there is a long-lasting operation of Carabinieri-NATO Secret Police Bureaux against me:
“There are several posting linked to Scaruffi on the Internet in which he expressed the belief that he is being persecuted and watched by the authorities.”
Since my Internet interventions and accusations are considerably heavier than some complaining about “persecution” and “watching”, and since, in Italy, prosecution is mandatory, this is the certification that, since there is no judicial action against me, what I declare and write is absolutely truthful and, since there is no judicial investigation or prosecution on the heavy State[s]/“government[s]” crime I denounce, they are work of Carabinieri-NATO Secret Police Bureaux which can control and paralyse magistracy.

Thank you, “Police Headquarters of Turin” [Questura di Torino] for this masterpiece in my support!   

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
...Trying covering crimes by further crimes...
Thank you, Italic Secret Police Bureaux and your Canadian allies! You have just produced NEW EVIDENCE IN MY FAVOUR!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
...You have invented some new slanders, with the documental evidence they are slanders already by the Refugee Protection Division in Vancouver BC.
Today, 15 March 2010, I have just received a document from the Refugee Protection Division in Vancouver BC [sent on 12 March 2010], the translation of a sheet of paper of the “Canadian Embassy in Rome”: “additional information received from police headquarters in Turin on the subject named above.”   

The Canadian Secret Police [CSIS] absolutely needed something against me for trying discrediting my refugee protection claim: some crime or some violent behaviour or similar.

My hearing had been initially called for 1 March 2010. It has been later delayed to 25 March 2010. The “Requests for verification” were sent, to Italian authorities, on 6 February 2009 and 26 March 2009. Perhaps, from Italy, they did not know what to answer. The Canadian Embassy in Rome received an answer on 4 February 2010. One year later!!!

Now, I know, perhaps, why my hearing has been delayed of some weeks. ...It may have been also for other reasons... Actually documents for the hearing have to be presented not later than 20 days before. I received this document 10 days before. No problem. It is evidence in my favour and only in my favour. ...They needed to discover some crime or some violent behaviour or similar. I have new evidence about their slanders. Also the Refugee Protection Division has now new evidence about their slanders!

The provided document is actually null, because it is referred to “Roberto Scaruffi, born on March 11, 2009 in La Spezia”. The translator commented: “[sic]”, after 2009. No problem! Please, consider it equally valid! Each word of that invalid document is in my favour!

[1] The document confirms I have NO criminal record. So, the Interpol information, as well as the information provided to Belgian, Chinese, Taiwanese, British, American, Canadian, Secret Police Bureaux, that I was a dangerous criminal with a criminal record were and are just slanders. “[...] the Court of Cassation dismissed the sentence and the First Section of the Turin Court of Assize and Appeal passed a final acquittal of all charges.” Despite the imprecise and deceptive legal language of the Italic authorities, I had and have no criminal record. ...OK!

However, for credibly rejecting a Refugee Protection Claim, in a case as mine, they needed and need at least some evidence of some violent behaviour. They had and have not... So, somebody invented it. There is documental evidence, already by the Refugee Protection Division in Vancouver BC, that they are only further slanders.

[2] “It appears that while he was in China as a student, in March 2004, he was expelled by the Chinese authorities for aggressive behaviour.” I was NEVER expelled from any country. NEVER! Italian Secret Police Bureaux have invented it. It is just a new slander. The Refugee Protection Division in Vancouver BC, has the certified photocopy of my old passport. Where is the expulsion? There is not, because it never happened. In the certified copy, one may find a further PRC visa from 12 March 2004 to 01 April 2004. There is my arrival in Hong Kong on 14 March 2004, with a 90 day visa. There is the departure from Hong Kong on 15 March 2004. There is my 15 March 2004 arrival to Taiwan. My passport was complete of all pages. In fact, the Refugee Protection Division in Vancouver BC has its integral certified copy.
Nothing happened in China from my side. There is no expulsion. Now, there is the certification “from police headquarters in Turin” of new slanders evidently provided them from Secret Police Bureaux. The Italic State Police officers and offices/bureaux are, in practice, just clerks of an Armed Force, which is also [military, with competence also on all the Italic subjects] police, the Carabinieri. And the Refugee Protection Division, in Vancouver BC, has documental evidence about these new slanders. They have [also] my old passport [in certified copy]...

Ah, there is also further interesting evidence about the confusional status of Italic Secret Police Bureaux and bureaucracies [not only that “born on March 11, 2009 in La Spezia”]:

[3] “In September 2008, Scaruffi attempted to embark for the United States of America at Tokyo Airport with the intention of asking for political asylum in that country, but he was refused boarding since he did not have the mandatory return flight ticket.” As the Refugee Protection Division in Vancouver BC may easily verify, I reached Canada on 31 August 2008 and I never left it, until now. In September 2008, I already was in Canada. I never moved from Vancouver BC.
I have already reported about my [illegal] kidnapping by the Tokyo airport after I talked with a U.S. immigration officer, and just he talked with U.S. Embassy officers (who immediately called the Italic “Embassy”). The Japanese “authorities”, after a night of [their] confusional state and behaviours (I was kidnapped by two clerks of the Tokyo Airport in constant touch with the Japanese “government”), let me go the day after, after obliging me to pay a ransom of about 400 euros. It is everything public.

[4] “There are several posting linked to Scaruffi on the Internet in which he expressed the belief that he is being persecuted and watched by the authorities.”
Thank you for the confirmation, and for letting to understand what might happen to me if I were ever obliged to go back to Italy.
Since, in Italy, prosecution in mandatory, it is original that there be no investigation on my heavy allegation against Italian and other “authorities”. This is the final evidence that they are criminal activities of Secret Police Bureaux, the same ones control prosecutors and magistracy. So, illegally, there is no investigation. This is also evidence on the conditions of law and order in Italy and not only in Italy.      

It is all.

Thank you, again! Thank you, again! Thank you, again!

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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Dino Sorrentino, Console d'Italia in Bruxelles
Curriculum vitae
Nato a Ravenna il 3 dicembre 1966.
Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli: laurea in scienze politiche, 10 luglio 1995.

Nominato Segretario di legazione in prova nella carriera diplomatica in seguito ad esame di concorso , 23 dicembre 2002.
Ministero degli Affari Esteri - Frequenta il corso di formazione professionale presso l’Istituto Diplomatico, 23 dicembre 2002-22 settembre 2003.
Ministero degli Affari Esteri - Direzione Generale per la Cooperazione Economica e Finanziaria Multilaterale, Ufficio VI (Ufficio Spazio, Tecnologia e Cooperazione Scientifica e Tecnologica) e Direzione Generale per i Paesi delle Americhe, Ufficio II (Coordinamento Paesi Centroamericani e Caraibi), 1 gennaio 23 settembre 2003.
Confermato in ruolo e nominato Segretario di legazione, 23 settembre 2003.
Vice Rappresentante Ufficio Italiano di promozione economica,Commerciale e Culturale di Taipei (Taiwan R.O.C.) 13 marzo 2004-8 agosto 2007.
Console d’Italia a Bruxelles, 3 settembre 2007.
When, in the early 2007, I went to Taipei for applying for a new passport (the old one was expiring), I asked the clerks of the Consulate to talk with somebody of the Secret Service. They called him, Dino Sorrentino.
He told me that the white torture was something absolutely normal, for him. He also told me that they had justified the cooperation they had asked and got from the Taiwanese military Secret Police (for the white torture and the social lynching) telling them (and also the U.S. and British secret services were cooperating with it and them) that I was a dangerous criminal with a criminal record and that I ought to be obliged to go back to Italy.
Actually, I have NO criminal record.
Just he told that, he realized what he had told. It was as he was suddenly coming out from a hypnotic state, jumped from his chair and escaped from the room with the excuse to check the dossier of my passport application. I had asked him NOTHING about my passport application. After some time, he came back and he told that everything was in order, about my passport application. I had asked him NOTHING about that.
Naturally he asked me: “When do you go back to Italy?” ...For organising a terrorist group and killing somebody the carabinieri’s Secret Police wants be killed?! NEVER!  

I have also another witness, in addition to others variously referred. One day [end September 2005, Taichung, ] a certain Mackie Orville, Canadian citizen then in Taichung, called one of his “friends”, a head of the Taiwanese police for asking him whether he had any information about me. This head of the Taiwanese police checked his computer and told him that I was a dangerous criminal with a criminal record. It was and is false.
Such are the methods of the criminal and insane pimps and liars of the carabinieri’s Secret Police and of whoever cooperates with them.

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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Propaganda model
First presented in their 1988 book Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media, the "Propaganda model" views the private media as businesses interested in the sale of a product — readers and audiences — to other businesses (advertisers) rather than that of quality news to the public. Describing the media's "societal purpose", Chomsky writes, "... the study of institutions and how they function must be scrupulously ignored, apart from fringe elements or a relatively obscure scholarly literature".[1] The theory postulates five general classes of "filters" that determine the type of news that is presented in news media. These five classes are:
  1. Ownership of the medium
  2. Medium's funding sources
  3. Sourcing
  4. Flak
  5. Anti-communist ideology
The first three are generally regarded by the authors as being the most important.
Although the model was based mainly on the characterization of United States media, Chomsky and Herman believe the theory is equally applicable to any country that shares the basic economic structure and organizing principles which the model postulates as the cause of media biases.[2]

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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Here, it is not written that one obliged to leave Canada under removal order must have a flight ticket for the citizenship's country:

Immigration Division

  • The decision to detain someone is made by immigration officials of the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA).
  • The CBSA may detain a foreign national or permanent resident if it has reasonable grounds to believe the person:
    • is unlikely to appear for an immigration appointment, hearing or removal;
    • is a danger to the public;
    • is inadmissible on security grounds or for violating human or international rights, or
    • has not established her or his identity to the satisfaction of the CBSA (only applies to foreign nationals, not permanent residents).
  • After someone is detained, the CBSA must bring the person before the Immigration Division (ID) of the IRB within 48 hours (or as soon as possible afterwards) to have the reasons for the detention reviewed. Should the ID member (decision-maker) order that detention continues, the next detention review is held within seven days; subsequent detention reviews are held within every 30 days thereafter.
  • If the ID member finds that there is no longer reason under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) to continue detention, the member will order the person released, with or without terms and conditions. Terms may include, for example, posting a security deposit or reporting on a regular basis to a CBSA office.

  • The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) screens people for admissibility to Canada. Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) may, in a limited number of instances, also screen people for admissibility to Canada.
  • Grounds for inadmissibility include:
    • failure in some way to comply with Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA);
    • posing a security threat;
    • violation of human or international rights;
    • involvement in crime or organized crime;
    • misrepresentation;
    • health conditions (in some cases).
    • financial reasons; or
    • accompanying an inadmissible family member.

  • If the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) - or, in some cases, Citizenship and Immigration Canada - has reason to believe that someone is inadmissible to Canada, they may ask the Immigration Division (ID) of the IRB to hold an admissibility hearing. Admissibility hearings determine if a person may enter or remain in Canada.
  • If the person is not a permanent resident, however, the CBSA may issue a removal order without an IRB admissibility hearing.
  • Based on the evidence presented by the CBSA (or CIC) and by the person concerned, the ID member (decision-maker) determines whether or not the allegations are founded.
  • If the ID member decides that the allegations are founded, the member issues a removal order for the person concerned.
  • If the ID member decides that the allegations are not founded, the member allows the person concerned to enter or remain in Canada.

  • There are three different types of removal orders.
  • Departure order - the person must leave Canada within 30 days after the order comes into effect. Before leaving Canada, the person must notify the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) to get a certificate of departure as proof of compliance. If the person does not leave or does not receive the certificate of departure, the departure order automatically becomes a deportation order after 30 days.
  • Exclusion order - the person must leave Canada and cannot return for a year (or two, in some cases) without written permission from an immigration officer.
  • Deportation order - the person must leave Canada and may never return without written permission from an immigration officer. As well, if the person did not leave voluntarily and the CBSA had to pay the cost of deportation, the person must repay the cost of the deportation before he or she is granted permission to return.
  • In all cases, the person must appear before an immigration officer at the port of entry before leaving Canada.
  • In some cases, a person can appeal a removal order to the Immigration Appeal Division (IAD) of the IRB. In some cases, the person may apply for leave (permission) to the Federal Court of Canada to review the removal order.
  • After a removal order is issued, the case is referred back to the CBSA to be enforced.

Immigration Appeal Division

The Immigration Appeal Division (IAD) may allow an appeal and set aside an original decision based on the grounds of an error in law or fact, or of a breach of a principle of natural justice. In certain cases, the IAD may also give special relief on the basis of humanitarian and compassionate consideration in all the circumstances of the case, which includes taking into account the best interests of a child.

  • On average, it takes the Immigration Appeal Division (IAD) about 10 months to decide an immigration appeal. This is only an average - some cases are decided within a shorter time, whereas some cases take longer.
  • The processing time counted by the IAD does not include the time from the filing of the appeal to the IAD receiving the record. Under the IAD Rules , the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) or the IRB's Immigration Division has 45 days to provide the record in the case of removal order appeals. Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) has 120 days to provide the record in the case of sponsorship and residency obligation appeals.

  • Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) offers a more informal, less confrontational and more consensual approach such as mediation to settle appeals, particularly (in appropriate cases) sponsorship appeals.
  • The ADR process usually involves an in-person meeting - an ADR conference - that is scheduled to last for one hour. A dispute resolution officer (DRO) conducts the ADR conference with the Minister's counsel (representing Citizenship and Immigration Canada) and the appellant and her or his counsel and assists them to agree to a settlement of the appeal.

  • If the appeal is allowed, the removal order is set aside and the person is permitted to remain in Canada. If the appeal is dismissed, the removal order is upheld and the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) then has the power to remove the person from Canada.
  • The Immigration Appeal Division (IAD) may stay the removal order under certain conditions. This means that the removal order will not be acted on for a period of time. At any time after a stay is ordered, the IAD may change the conditions, cancel the stay or change its duration. If the IAD cancels the stay, it will then allow or dismiss the appeal.
  • Under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA), a stay of a removal order based on criminality will be automatically lifted if the person concerned re-offends or breaks the conditions of the stay. The CBSA may then issue a deportation order to remove the person from Canada without the case returning to the IAD.

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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On Monday 19 April 2010, I have received the rejection or refusal of my Refugee Protection Claim, as outcome of the 25 March 2010 hearing. [Administrative] Judge, Mr. Philip MacAulay.

On Tuesday 20 April 2010, I went to talk “with somebody” of the Immigration. This “somebody” was very useful. He gave to me a card of the Canada Border Service Agency, Pacific Region Enforcement Centre, with his name, Andy Hsu, his telephone number and email address. Finally, by a camera, he took a picture of me. ...Evidently they needed it...

He told me that they will call me after 7 June 2010, if I have well understood, for the so called pre-removal risk assessment, de facto a revision of the case, if I want to apply for it. In the present situation, I can have back my passport only if and when I leave Canada by a direct flight to Italy. Clearly, if nobody and nothing will block me, in Italy, I may leave it even immediately later. ...I’ll see... It is a bit odd, but it is the international procedure.
It may be the pre-removal risk assessment will confirm the present situation. It may be it will change/reverse it.  

On Wednesday 21 April 2010, I went to the Refugee Board and I formally asked for the transcripts of the 25 March 2010 hearing and of the 18 December 2009 “conference”.

For the pre-removal risk assessment I have to produce new evidence was not available the day of the hearing. Actually, I have new evidence. The same hearing suggested in some way what new evidence was necessary and not available the day of the hearing. The concept of “new” is always relative and specific.

One of this new evidence is the same 25 March 2010 hearing and the same consequent 15 April 2010 “Reasons and decisions”. They decidedly clarified a pattern, a bias.

I already told, in detail, that since my arrival in Canada and my asking for asylum, the Immigration, alias the whole asylum procedure, was immediately took over from the Canadian Secret Service, the CSIS. I have provided a multiplicity of facts showing that its aim was not to deal with my asylum request but to invent or to provoke something for making it inadmissible.  


Actually, something not at all astonishing happened by the Refugee Board. All their acts have followed a precise pattern, a precise bias: the desperate attempt not to deal with my case, and to try to mount something for making it inadmissible. They failed. Even the Italian Police sent them a, in my opinion, rough and disgusted answer to their desperate attempt to invent some cause of inadmissibility. Finally, as already precisely and detailed explained, the Italian Police supported my refugee protection claim and “fucked” them.

The same [in my opinion] odd behaviour of Mr. Philip MacAulay during the whole hearing was aimed at not dealing with my case and at inventing some cause of inadmissibility. His “sentence” is equally a justification, in my opinion with the CSIS, for not having found not even one element against me, so for having being incapable to mount a case of inadmissibility. The “sentence”, incoherent and disconnected, seems even a crying justification for having not been able to write even one element against me. Clearly, whatever the evidence, a judge decides what he/she wants. So, finally, the decision was formally negative. However, without anything negative about me.  

...Will see everything...

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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Refugees: Refugee claims in Canada—Pre-removal risk assessment

Canada is committed to making sure that people are not sent back to a country where they would be in danger or where they would face the risk of persecution.
If you are told to leave Canada, you will be given a notice that the removal order is being enforced. In most cases, if you are given a removal order, you can apply for a pre-removal risk assessment (PRRA). During the PRRA process, an officer will review the documents related to your case and any other evidence that you provide. If you had made a refugee claim, the evidence that will be considered will be limited to any new or different evidence that was not presented when you had your hearing at the Refugee Protection Division. In some special cases, you will be asked to attend an interview before a decision is made about whether you can stay in Canada.
If you are eligible for a PRRA, you will be sent an application form and guide.
When you receive your PRRA forms, your removal order is stopped for 15 days. The removal order will not be in effect until:
  • you notify Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) that you do not intend to apply for a PRRA, or you abandon or withdraw your application for a PRRA
  • the 15-day deadline passes (if you do not send an application to CIC for a PRRA) or
  • you apply for a PRRA and the decision is negative.
Note: Seven days will be added to the 15-day deadline if the PRRA notice was mailed to you, and not delivered in person. This is to allow time for the notice to be sent to you.
You can submit written evidence to help explain the risk that you would face if you are removed from Canada.
In reviewing your case, the officer will consider:
  • the risk of persecution as defined in the Geneva Convention
  • the risk of torture and
  • the risk to your life or the risk that you may be subjected to cruel and unusual treatment or punishment.

Some people are not eligible

Some people are not eligible for a PRRA. You are not eligible if you are:
  • subject to extradition (extradition is a formal request that Canada return you to another country because you are a suspected or convicted criminal)
  • ineligible for a hearing at the Immigration and Refugee Board because you came to Canada from a safe third country (find information about the Safe Third Country Agreement in the Related Links section at the bottom of this page)
  • a repeat refugee protection claimant who is being removed from Canada less than six months after you previously left
  • already recognized as a protected person or
  • recognized as a Convention Refugee by a country to which you can return.

If your claim is accepted

If the PRRA officer accepts your claim, you may receive the status of “protected person.” This means you can stay in Canada and you can apply to become a permanent resident of Canada. You can find out more about becoming a permanent resident of Canada in the I Need To… section on the right-hand side of this page.

If your claim is not accepted

If the PRRA officer rejects your claim, you will receive a written notice. Your removal order comes into effect again and you may receive a reasonable period of time to ensure your departure from Canada.

What you can do if your claim is not accepted

You can apply for a review of the decision by the PRRA officer to the Federal Court of Canada. You can find more information on appeals to the Federal Court in the Related Links section at the bottom of this page.

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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Philip J. MacAulayPhilip J. MacAulay (Vancouver) was appointed to the IRB on June 25, 2007. Prior to his appointment, Mr. MacAulay was a managing partner with Smiley & MacAulay. Mr. MacAulay is a senior litigator specializing in administrative law. He received his Bachelor of Arts from the University of California and his Bachelor of Laws from Osgoode Hall Law School in Toronto. He was called to the British Columbia Bar in 1977.

MacAulay, Philip J.
Vancouver, British Columbia

Full-Time Appointment
During Good Behaviour
Future Appointment: MacAulay, Philip J. (2010-06-25)

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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Tienimi informato sugli sviluppi.
Una considerazione: Com'è difficile essere (apolidi) cittadini del/nel Mondo.
Renzo Riva

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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Mi permettono di comprare [anzi forse potrei pure farmelo comprare da loro, ma che kazzo me ne frega... ...'sti sukaminchie...] un biglietto aereo diretto solo per l'Italia. ...Da dove poi posso andare dove voglio [spreco di soldi a parte], salvo incidenti... ...La prassi, m'han detto...
Tuttavia, c'e' un mucchio di tempo ancora, sembra.
...Se mi permettevano d'andare dove volevo me ne andavo [quasi] subito [dovevo solo aspettare, un paio di settimane per un rimborso tasse]... ...Kazzo me ne frega[va] de 'sti sukaminchie!!! ...Ma m'hanno detto che posso solo [come I tappa] andare in Italia...
Ho parlato stamane [martedi' 20 aprile] con un funzionario dell'immigrazione [ieri "tardi" (<16:00), dopo che ho ricevuto la reiezione, ho chiesto... ....m'hanno detto "torni domani alle 8:00"], un ex-taiwanese che m'ha pure fotografato [non gli ho chiesto perche', chemmefreeeega].
Posso fare una specie d'appello [ce ne sono altri ma con avvocato obbligatorio], sempre senza avvocati [guadagno 8 dollari l'ora; gli avvocati ne vogliono, credo, 200/250 l'ora...; un piffero che non era neppure avvocato ne voleva 150 l'ora come "consulente immigrazione"... ...NON DA ME! Mi "consulento" da solo.]...
...Puo' essere che lo faccia.
La tiro avanti per un altro po'... ...qui. Potrebbe anche andare bene, in teoria. Altamente improbabile, visto l'opposizione forsennata del CSIS-NATO, ma il futuro e' sempre incerto...
La reiezione e' tutta una giustificazione del nominato sopra che non erano riusciti a montare nulla contro di me, ...come il servizio segreto [CSIS] aveva invece ordinato loro. Una comica... ...sempre che uno sappia leggere "con malizia" le motivazioni ed i precedenti [l'ufficio del "giudice" aveva chiesto alla loro unita' investigativa di produrre elementi per screditarmi (ho la copia della richiesta; me l'avevano data;' pure scemi...)... ...Non li hanno trovati (li avessero trovati, il mio caso sarebbe divenuto inammissibile), mentre e' arrivato quel foglio degli Interni, che ho riprodotto, di fatto al 100% (forse pure al 200%) in mio favore]. ...Ecco che nelle motivazioni della reiezione si giustificano col loro CSIS... Il piffero sopra, un [ex-]avvocato, ha l'estensione del suo incarico di giudice a[/da] meta' anno... ...Eppoi, i canadesi sono quel che sono... ...Li conoscevo gia'...

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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Ah, and do not forget...

Pagare! Pagare! Pagare!
= er mio "coso" [Ph.D. in Politics] belga o 7'000'000
= 7'000'000'000
= 2'000 condanne a morte in diretta CNN
= passaporto ONU come rifugiato apolide

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith