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Monday, 19 April 2010

...NEXT STEP... On 15 April 2010, my Canadian Refugee Protection Claim has been rejected

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Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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...NEXT STEP... On 15 April 2010, my Canadian Refugee Protection Claim has been rejected

On 15 April 2010 [communication received today, 19 April 2010], 3 weeks after the hearing [25 March 2010], my refugee protection claim has been rejected, despite the massive evidence I had provided.

No problem. The Canadian experience has been very positive, because it permitted me to produce further massive evidence also about the Canadian-AnglophoneArea-NATO involvement in this criminal and insane operation for producing internal terrorism, as presented in other threads of this forum.

The reason, claimed from Mr. Philip MacAulay, is elliptic and complex. Anyway, in my interpretation, and as he has written, he rejected the claim for absence of “independent witnesses or statements to corroborate any material aspects of his claim.” In practice, he wanted a formal Italian and/or NATO declaration about these governments’ covert subversive operations... Actually, the declaration of the Interior_Ministry/Questura_di_Torino, through the Canadian Embassy in Rome was (as I have claimed also during the hearing) such a document combined with my public accusations against countries/States [and people of countries/States] where prosecution is compulsory, and despite that there were and there are no prosecutions against me and/or on my accusations in such countries/States, neither elsewhere.  

Since also the Canadian Secret Service [CSIS] was and is fully involved in this story since more than 6 years [I publicly accused also it and its militians with even names and pictures in some cases; see other threads of this forum], and since Anglophone countries/States are tightly totalitarian areas, it was clear that it was highly improbable that my [political] asylum request could be accepted.   

Anyway, I repeat that, no problem. The Canadian experience has been very positive, because, I repeat that, it permitted me to produce further massive evidence also about the Canadian-AnglophoneArea-NATO involvement in this criminal and insane operation for producing internal terrorism, as presented in other threads of this forum.

Actually, precisely the Canadian experience permitted me to produce decisive evidence.
Even this rejection is further evidence in my favour.

My next steps? ...Absolutely quiet, peaceful and rational as usual.
“Their” next steps? Criminal and insane bureaucracies follow repetitive-paranoid patterns...