...NEXT STEP... On 15 April 2010, my Canadian Refugee Protection Claim has been rejected
Mar, 20/04/2010 - 01:45
...NEXT STEP... On 15 April 2010, my Canadian Refugee Protection Claim has been rejected
On 15 April 2010 [communication received today, 19 April 2010], 3 weeks after the hearing [25 March 2010], my refugee protection claim has been rejected, despite the massive evidence I had provided.
No problem. The Canadian experience has been very positive, because it permitted me to produce further massive evidence also about the Canadian-AnglophoneArea-NATO involvement in this criminal and insane operation for producing internal terrorism, as presented in other threads of this forum.
The reason, claimed from Mr. Philip MacAulay, is elliptic and complex. Anyway, in my interpretation, and as he has written, he rejected the claim for absence of “independent witnesses or statements to corroborate any material aspects of his claim.” In practice, he wanted a formal Italian and/or NATO declaration about these governments’ covert subversive operations... Actually, the declaration of the Interior_Ministry/Questura_di_Torino, through the Canadian Embassy in Rome was (as I have claimed also during the hearing) such a document combined with my public accusations against countries/States [and people of countries/States] where prosecution is compulsory, and despite that there were and there are no prosecutions against me and/or on my accusations in such countries/States, neither elsewhere.
Since also the Canadian Secret Service [CSIS] was and is fully involved in this story since more than 6 years [I publicly accused also it and its militians with even names and pictures in some cases; see other threads of this forum], and since Anglophone countries/States are tightly totalitarian areas, it was clear that it was highly improbable that my [political] asylum request could be accepted.
Anyway, I repeat that, no problem. The Canadian experience has been very positive, because, I repeat that, it permitted me to produce further massive evidence also about the Canadian-AnglophoneArea-NATO involvement in this criminal and insane operation for producing internal terrorism, as presented in other threads of this forum.
Actually, precisely the Canadian experience permitted me to produce decisive evidence.
Even this rejection is further evidence in my favour.
My next steps? ...Absolutely quiet, peaceful and rational as usual.
“Their” next steps? Criminal and insane bureaucracies follow repetitive-paranoid patterns...
Roberto Scaruffi http://scaruffi.blogspot.com http://rukacs.blogspot.com
Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith
April 19, 2010
EMERGENCY, in conjunction with the Italian embassy, is arranging the homecoming of Matteo Dell’Aira, Marco Garatti and Matteo Pagani, which is expected to take place in the next few days, as soon as aircraft matters are ascertained.
EMERGENCY has learned from some Italian press reports that closure of the Lashkar-gah hospital would be one of the conditions for the release of its personnel. EMERGENCY has had no notification of the sort, or with regard to any type of agreements. The officials of the Afghan security services stated to journalists the same information that was confirmed to our personnel: that they were freed and found not guilty of any wrong doing. Thus, their release is not based on any type of agreement, but on assertion of the facts.
All decisions to be made with regard to the reopening of the Lashkar-gah hospital will be taken by EMERGENCY in collaboration with the Afghan Ministry of Health.
Last night, reportedly by the press, some of the other Afghan EMERGENCY staff members who had been taken into custody together with the three Italians, have also been freed. EMERGENCY lawyers continue to follow the situation and conditions of the Afghan personnel.
April 18, 2010
Sunday, April 18. Matteo Dell’Aira, Marco Garatti, and Matteo Pagani Guazzugli Bonaiuti, who were being detained in an Afghan security services facility, have been freed with no indictments charged against them. Finally, after a week with no access to legal recourse, they will be able to contact their families and colleagues.
We thank everyone in Italy, Afghanistan, and worldwide who worked in collaboration with EMERGENCY to attain their release.Attorneys appointed by EMERGENCY continue to work on the case with regard to the Afghan staff members still being detained by the security services, and whose news, health conditions, legal status, or location are still being withheld.
April 14, 2010
Milan, Italy - For 96 hours we have not had any official news regarding the EMERGENCY staff being held by the National Directorate of Security (NDS), the Afghan secret service agency.
Neither EMERGENCY, nor the families of the nine EMERGENCY staff members taken away 96 hours ago (including Italian nationals Matteo Dell’Aira, Marco Garatti and Matteo Pagani) have received any official news regarding their condition.
We have had no updates regarding the state of their health, and thus far we have no knowledge as to whether formal charges have been brought against them, or whether they have been able to see any attorneys; even though legal counsel has been appointed by EMERGENCY.
We have learned that they are still at the NDS facility in the Helmand region. The NDS reports directly to the National Security Council and ultimately to President Karzai. It is continually the focus of many grievances by international organizations such as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International for repeated human rights violations and for a failure to recognize legal rights for those detained under current Afghan law.
Therefore, we ask the Foreign Ministry again to do everything in its power to secure guarantees regarding our colleagues health and safety and their timely release.
April 13, 2010
The six EMERGENCY employees who were still in Lashkar-gah after the combined raid on the EMERGENCY hospital carried out by the Afghan police and intelligence agents, and the NATO-ISAF military forces, have reached Kabul.
Among the six people are a logistician from the Kabul hospital who went to Lashkar-gah immediately after the raid, as well as an anesthetist, three Italian nurses and an Indian physiotherapist who were all working in the facility. Following the incident which led to the detainment of Marco Garatti, Matteo Dell’Aira and Matteo Pagani, the staff had been staying at the international staff house in the city.
After the raid, the remaining EMERGENCY staff was not allowed to re-enter the hospital, and EMERGENCY no longer holds responsibility for any activity within the hospital.
The 72-hour detention limit has expired, and no information has been released concerning the legal status of those being confined; Marco Garatti, Matteo Dell’Aira and Matteo Pagani. EMERGENCY has yet to be informed of the charges being brought against them. In addition, it is unknown whether or not they have been notified of their legal rights, including the possibility of appointing a defense attorney.
EMERGENCY is awaiting clarification from the Italian embassy in Kabul which is following the developing situation regarding the condition of the EMERGENCY personnel in custody.
Milan, April 10, 2010
On Saturday, April 10, 2010, Afghan police and secret service agents entered and searched the surgical centre run by the Italian Ngo EMERGENCY in Lashkar-gah, in the southern province of Helmand. Three of our employees, Italian citizens, were taken into custody at approximately 4 P. M. local time.
We still have not been able to reach them by phone. The only contact we have been able to make has been through one of the employee’s cell phones answered by someone who identified himself as a British military official. This person notified us that the Italians were well, but unavailable to speak at the time.
Five other employees, including four Italians and one Indian, are currently at the international staff house, and in constant phone contact with our staff in Milan. No Afghan authorities or representatives from the international coalition have contacted us to explain the reasons for this detention.
We have learned through the Associated Press that some individuals, including Afghan citizens and “two Italian doctors”, have been detained in an alleged plot to assassinate the governor of Helmand Province. This accusation sounds simply groundless to us, and we are absolutely certain that the truth will come forth quickly.
Nevertheless we call for the Afghan government, police and security forces to carry out the investigations of this case with full respect of all of our employees’ rights. These are individuals who for years have been working to ensure medical treatment for the Afghan people. We ask that their rights be respected, the first of which is to allow them to communicate with us and let us know their personal conditions.
EMERGENCY has been present in Afghanistan since 1999 with three surgical centres, a maternity centre, and 28 first aid posts.
EMERGENCY has been present in Lashkar-gah since 2004 with one surgical centre for victims of war where more than 66,000 people have been treated free of charge.
Roberto Scaruffi http://scaruffi.blogspot.com http://rukacs.blogspot.com
Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith
Roberto Scaruffi http://scaruffi.blogspot.com http://rukacs.blogspot.com
Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith
Roberto Scaruffi http://scaruffi.blogspot.com http://rukacs.blogspot.com
Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith
Roberto Scaruffi http://scaruffi.blogspot.com http://rukacs.blogspot.com
Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith
Roberto Scaruffi http://scaruffi.blogspot.com http://rukacs.blogspot.com
Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith
Roberto Scaruffi http://scaruffi.blogspot.com http://rukacs.blogspot.com
Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith
Roberto Scaruffi http://scaruffi.blogspot.com http://rukacs.blogspot.com
Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith
Propaganda model
Roberto Scaruffi http://scaruffi.blogspot.com http://rukacs.blogspot.com
Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith
Here, it is not written that one obliged to leave Canada under removal order must have a flight ticket for the citizenship's country:
Roberto Scaruffi http://scaruffi.blogspot.com http://rukacs.blogspot.com
Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith
Roberto Scaruffi http://scaruffi.blogspot.com http://rukacs.blogspot.com
Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith
Roberto Scaruffi http://scaruffi.blogspot.com http://rukacs.blogspot.com
Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith
Philip J. MacAulayPhilip J. MacAulay (Vancouver) was appointed to the IRB on June 25, 2007. Prior to his appointment, Mr. MacAulay was a managing partner with Smiley & MacAulay. Mr. MacAulay is a senior litigator specializing in administrative law. He received his Bachelor of Arts from the University of California and his Bachelor of Laws from Osgoode Hall Law School in Toronto. He was called to the British Columbia Bar in 1977.
Vancouver, British Columbia
Roberto Scaruffi http://scaruffi.blogspot.com http://rukacs.blogspot.com
Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith
Tienimi informato sugli sviluppi.
Una considerazione: Com'รจ difficile essere (apolidi) cittadini del/nel Mondo.
Renzo Riva
Roberto Scaruffi http://scaruffi.blogspot.com http://rukacs.blogspot.com
Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith
Mi permettono di comprare [anzi forse potrei pure farmelo comprare da loro, ma che kazzo me ne frega... ...'sti sukaminchie...] un biglietto aereo diretto solo per l'Italia. ...Da dove poi posso andare dove voglio [spreco di soldi a parte], salvo incidenti... ...La prassi, m'han detto...
Tuttavia, c'e' un mucchio di tempo ancora, sembra.
...Se mi permettevano d'andare dove volevo me ne andavo [quasi] subito [dovevo solo aspettare, un paio di settimane per un rimborso tasse]... ...Kazzo me ne frega[va] de 'sti sukaminchie!!! ...Ma m'hanno detto che posso solo [come I tappa] andare in Italia...
Ho parlato stamane [martedi' 20 aprile] con un funzionario dell'immigrazione [ieri "tardi" (<16:00), dopo che ho ricevuto la reiezione, ho chiesto... ....m'hanno detto "torni domani alle 8:00"], un ex-taiwanese che m'ha pure fotografato [non gli ho chiesto perche', chemmefreeeega].
Posso fare una specie d'appello [ce ne sono altri ma con avvocato obbligatorio], sempre senza avvocati [guadagno 8 dollari l'ora; gli avvocati ne vogliono, credo, 200/250 l'ora...; un piffero che non era neppure avvocato ne voleva 150 l'ora come "consulente immigrazione"... ...NON DA ME! Mi "consulento" da solo.]...
...Puo' essere che lo faccia.
La tiro avanti per un altro po'... ...qui. Potrebbe anche andare bene, in teoria. Altamente improbabile, visto l'opposizione forsennata del CSIS-NATO, ma il futuro e' sempre incerto...
La reiezione e' tutta una giustificazione del nominato sopra che non erano riusciti a montare nulla contro di me, ...come il servizio segreto [CSIS] aveva invece ordinato loro. Una comica... ...sempre che uno sappia leggere "con malizia" le motivazioni ed i precedenti [l'ufficio del "giudice" aveva chiesto alla loro unita' investigativa di produrre elementi per screditarmi (ho la copia della richiesta; me l'avevano data; ...so' pure scemi...)... ...Non li hanno trovati (li avessero trovati, il mio caso sarebbe divenuto inammissibile), mentre e' arrivato quel foglio degli Interni, che ho riprodotto, di fatto al 100% (forse pure al 200%) in mio favore]. ...Ecco che nelle motivazioni della reiezione si giustificano col loro CSIS... Il piffero sopra, un [ex-]avvocato, ha l'estensione del suo incarico di giudice a[/da] meta' anno... ...Eppoi, i canadesi sono quel che sono... ...Li conoscevo gia'...
Roberto Scaruffi http://scaruffi.blogspot.com http://rukacs.blogspot.com
Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith
Ah, and do not forget...
Roberto Scaruffi http://scaruffi.blogspot.com http://rukacs.blogspot.com
Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith