Mer, 10/03/2010 - 03:03
#1 Dino Sorrentino, Console d'Italia in Bruxelles
Curriculum vitae
Nato a Ravenna il 3 dicembre 1966.
Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli: laurea in scienze politiche, 10 luglio 1995.
Nominato Segretario di legazione in prova nella carriera diplomatica in seguito ad esame di concorso , 23 dicembre 2002.
Ministero degli Affari Esteri - Frequenta il corso di formazione professionale presso l’Istituto Diplomatico, 23 dicembre 2002-22 settembre 2003.
Ministero degli Affari Esteri - Direzione Generale per la Cooperazione Economica e Finanziaria Multilaterale, Ufficio VI (Ufficio Spazio, Tecnologia e Cooperazione Scientifica e Tecnologica) e Direzione Generale per i Paesi delle Americhe, Ufficio II (Coordinamento Paesi Centroamericani e Caraibi), 1 gennaio 23 settembre 2003.
Confermato in ruolo e nominato Segretario di legazione, 23 settembre 2003.
Vice Rappresentante Ufficio Italiano di promozione economica,Commerciale e Culturale di Taipei (Taiwan R.O.C.) 13 marzo 2004-8 agosto 2007.
Console d’Italia a Bruxelles, 3 settembre 2007.
When, in the early 2007, I went to Taipei for applying for a new passport (the old one was expiring), I asked the clerks of the Consulate to talk with somebody of the Secret Service. They called him, Dino Sorrentino.
He told me that the white torture was something absolutely normal, for him. He also told me that they had justified the cooperation they had asked and got from the Taiwanese military Secret Police (for the white torture and the social lynching) telling them (and also the U.S. and British secret services were cooperating with it and them) that I was a dangerous criminal with a criminal record and that I ought to be obliged to go back to Italy.
Actually, I have NO criminal record.
Just he told that, he realized what he had told. It was as he was suddenly coming out from a hypnotic state, jumped from his chair and escaped from the room with the excuse to check the dossier of my passport application. I had asked him NOTHING about my passport application. After some time, he came back and he told that everything was in order, about my passport application. I had asked him NOTHING about that.
Naturally he asked me: “When do you go back to Italy?” ...For organising a terrorist group and killing somebody the carabinieri’s Secret Police wants be killed?! NEVER!
I have also another witness, in addition to others variously referred. One day [end September 2005, Taichung, ] a certain Mackie Orville, Canadian citizen then in Taichung, called one of his “friends”, a head of the Taiwanese police for asking him whether he had any information about me. This head of the Taiwanese police checked his computer and told him that I was a dangerous criminal with a criminal record. It was and is false.
Such are the methods of the criminal and insane pimps and liars of the carabinieri’s Secret Police and of whoever cooperates with them.