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Monday, 22 February 2010

Joined: 24/12/2008
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We are customer oriented. Do you want to become famous?! It is right! Infamous deserve to be famous. We want to make you happy. If you want to become even more famous, now you call the CSIS. They give you a lawyer for free. You can now law suit me. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Please, try...

No, I do not want to waste these lines only for a miserable asshole, militian or sub-militian of some secret police bureau.

I’ll repeat something. And I’ll add something else.

In this kind of super-clandestine operations, “national” but at NATO level in some way, and with NATO cooperation and support, by which they want hetero-direct and obstruct your life for inducing you to commit crimes functional to some “great” miserable pseudo-stabilising destabilization, if and when these “genial” [yes, they are really “geniuses”!] pimps of secret police bureaux are unmasked they desperately try to cover they crimes by other crimes. They become even more obsessed. They must destroy you because you have unmasked and you are unmasking them every day more.


Do you like to play?!

We like it even more!

We... ...Why do I use “we”? “We” is just I and the Skies. So, now, this linguistic doubt is easily solved. I may continue to use this “we” without any possible equivoke. If you do not like it, no problem. Read it as a “I”.

Naturally, you may not imagine that pimps of secret police bureaux can really think. They are directed from Statesmen/women, who, with their “professional” bureaucrats, it is not sure can really rationally think or act. So, they cover behind “specialists”. It is also a “Nazi” technique for fragmenting responsibility. “I did not know...” “I obeyed orders...” “I did not know the purpose of what was asked me...” Ah, no, misters and madams, in these operations for producing and manipulating internal terrorism, be you a Statesmen/women, an MP, a bureaucrat, a pimp of a secret police, a university professor or researcher (psychopathic criminologists or psychiatrists or similar), a judge or a militian or sub-militians, you know perfectly that you are committing crimes and that you are cooperating committing very serious crimes. Idem if you cover or try to cover crimes. Your insanities and absence of character are not attenuating circumstances.

We already told that, in these combinations of white torture and white lynching, the pimps of secret police bureaux intervene on the residence places (for organising the white torture and the white lynching), and on the working and study places for organising the white lynching and in some cases (it happened in Taichung in a school, for instance) also the white torture.

Not only, in the execution of these crimes, the pimps of secret police bureaux do not act directly. They use a technique of multiple interfaces. That even at level of motivations, not only at level of people. Anyway, they follow “military”, tight bureaucratic, criteria. They respect hierarchies. They ask, or anyway get, the consent and complicity of the person[s] responsible of a building, of a school, of a company, be or not be he/she/them directly involved in the organization and implementation of the white torture and/or white lynching. They pretend daily reports about the implementation of the white torture and/or white lynching. They instruct and direct their militians and sub-militians in various ways. ...Actually, not always very considering the absence of results in this case... ...Criminal psychopaths instructing and directing criminal psychopaths... Ullalla’...

It is better, for the moment, not to tell a series of things...

Other ones may be told.

The hearing for deciding my case was settled on 1 March 2010. It has been delayed of some weeks. It would be perhaps interesting to know whether that original Mr. Dhillon, functionary of the Immigration and Refugee Board giving, in my opinion, very odd advices, at least in my case, had been contacted from the CSIS. Ah, no, actually, it would be of no interest to know that. He wrote his advices, for “helping” me relatively to my claim. His “advices” are so odd and disconnected (alias, without any connection with my case, in my opinion)... ...that, certainly against his will, he has been very useful to me.

The reality is that, even if they reject, as it is very probable, my claim, they have no base for rejecting it. They may write: “We found no element for accepting that claim”, and that would sound absolutely false. No problem. They may and can do whatever they want. I have no idea who the judge will be and what he/she’ll decide. Whatever he/she’ll decide will be “law”. No problem.

They would need something against me. They tried to build something. They have been absolutely unsuccessful. Fortunately for me, they have created further evidence against them.

The CSIS has been so active against me, since I arrived in Canada, that it is absolutely evident that it committed and is committing further crimes for trying hiding its previous ones (in Taiwan) in its help to the Italic criminals of secret police bureaux in criminal operation. ...NATO cooperation...

He must not live, he must not work, he must not study, he must be obliged to go back to Italy ...where ...idem as before, he must be cheated so that he remains without money.

They’d need something against me. In Italy they are very agitated. They’d need to invent something against me. I went away from Italy in 1995. I went back only for single days, essentially for letting books (in one case also for buying them) and for taking some clothes. The last times I went back for a couple of days was in the summer 2002. From the early year 2000, they are using through wall visors for their white torture operation. The only criminals are them and who/which cooperates with them. The only ones with [heavy] mental problems, idem, are only them and their militians. Finally, I’m not in touch with anybody. They cannot mount absolutely anything.

In Canada, when I applied for social assistance (as compulsory, according the Canadian law for applying for the work permit), just the CSIS intervened on the social assistance the social assistance office immediately and abusively cut the allowance of more than one half. Later, I got what they had cut. ...They behaved as unmasked thieves...

So, the CSIS intervened on Mosaic, a contractor of the social assistance. Mosaic not only sent me to senseless “schools”. When, finally, it sent me to a senseless “school” which assured also a sub-proletarian position in some restaurant, the CSIS intervened on the “school” both for trying creating incidents and for pretending it did not provide any job to me.

In the meantime, the CSIS intervened on the office processing the work permit applications. The work permits are rigorously processed according the presentation date. All the work permits presented around the date I had presented mine were simply put aside. That despite the [useless] “recommendation” letters of “my” MP. Only after some pertinent “insults” to the Prime Minister and to the Governor, I finally received my work permit.

I found equally a sub-proletarian job in a restaurant.

Just the employer was contacted from the CSIS, he became growingly aggressive. No problem. I do not worry about anything and anybody... ...I have a too good character...

So he activated his ruffians. In working places, mobbing, [white] lynching etc absolutely do not exist as spontaneous phenomena. When they verify, they are solicited from who is in charge. In a small company, the only one really in charge is the owner.

One day, two of his ruffians, two Canadian, one of Chinese origins (one of the chefs), Jeff or Jeffrey, and the other one of Mexican origins, Stephan/Stefano Bucica [or Bucico or something similar] (of the “front line”, the service area) went out with an Italic insult: “Finocchio.” I have no propensity and no experience, and no intention to have it, in that “sector”. Perhaps not casually, the two chaps coming out with that “finocchio” were two chaps actually incapable to really “fraternise” with females despite both around 30 y/o. I was very amused because, they came out with that insult precisely the same day, or since the same day, clearly in a coordinated way. I am not sure that “finocchio” be any more used in Italy. Perhaps it as an old expression now used only from Southern perverts. So, it was also clear who told them to try with that pseudo-provocation.

The “Chinese” chap one day disappeared. He’ll work in some other place, I suppose. The “Mexican” chap became growingly aggressive, although he be basically a coward. “We’ll cut your legs! …Such is Canada! We’ll cut your legs! ...Welcome to Canada!” All that despite he have clearly fear of me, although bigger than me. He was abused from his father. Now has a kind of psychologically homosexual subjection to whatever figure in a power position, as his employer for example.

Hilarious what happened near Christmas. Cynthia, a woman perhaps from some South Asian [big] island, taking care of the “catering service” in addition to other duties implying the driving of the van of the company, and on the “front line” when free from other duties, distributed tickets with our names for buying a Christmas gift of about $20. Casually or not, that Stephan/Stefano got the ticked with my name. He did not buy the gift. I bought it for the person whose name was on “my” ticket. He did not buy it. A coward behaving in that way, it is because he is covered. When I asked that Cynthia to give me back my $20, she told she would have talked with him. Evidently he told her that he was covered. She is another of the ruffians of the company, always too busy to eat food... When I asked her again back my $20, she send somebody to run to take some candies let from Jose’, an exuberant big man (he also writes in an exuberant way ...his family name is or seemed Mata or something similar perhaps), Venezuelan of Roman [from Rome] origins, who then sometimes appeared and other time disappeared, now [re]became one of the chefs or sub-chefs [the first one is the employer]. That Stephan/Stefano did not buy the gift he ought to buy for me. He felt covered. It was ordered him to behave in such a way.

A few days ago he went out with another of his deliria, now in association with the new chef, Jose’: “The Interpol in investigating on you... The police is investigating...” They, mainly that Stephan/Stefano, repeated that the last days.


Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Really you of the CSIS and of Italic secret police bureaux, or you militians, “recruit” such idiotic militians or sub-militians?! Do you also suggest them the stupidities they ejaculate?

Anyway, perhaps since the CSIS and Italic secret police bureaux “interventions”, I am continuing to be paid only $8 per hour. It’ll be since my sub-sub-proletarian position... ...The will of the Skies, perhaps... On the advertisement for this job it was written that after 3 months there was medical assistance and dental plan. Now I think it is more than 9 months that I am working there. I saw nothing. For what I have read in some government publication, if I have not misinterpreted, one should be paid for the so called “statutory holidays”. I received nothing of that, if I have well understood the “papers” I receive with the pay. Accountants of Anglophone countries are generally very precise. If there are “errors” they are intentional. They are asked.

Oh, do not worry! Just Mr. Dhillon read these lines, he’ll [re]launch “his” investigative units!

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith