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Saturday, 27 June 2009

31 August 2008 - I asked for political asylum at the Vancouver (B.C. Canada) airport

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Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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Photos Lionsgate Bridge Vancouver

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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//” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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On Monday 20 April 2009, I received an anonymous envelope apparently from Malaysia. I know nobody in Malaysia or from Malaysia.

Inside the envelope, there was only a $1,600 check. Date: “04-10-2009”. The cheque was from an account of the TCF National Bank, Milwaukee, WI, USA. It was signed Neil W Brown. In the MEMO, there was “RE: GEORGE FROST”. I know nobody with that name. If you put “TCF” and “Neil W Brown” in google, you find who he is. ...An “authority” of that bank.

In fact, it is a cashier's check, number 428928523, “Issued by Integrated Payment System, etc etc To Citibank, N.A., Buffalo, NY”.

Handwritten envelop, my name on the check and the amount of the check. ...An handwritten cashier's check?! ...In the USA?! ...And anonymously sent apparently from Malaysia?!

If it is counterfeit or stolen, the FBI (or the financial fraud section of the Secret Service) may come to recover it and to receive my denunciation against the usual governments and secret police bureaux of...

On 22 April 2009, I went to the Vancouver Police. They told me that they don't deal with this kind of things. I only asked whether they could tell me whether it was counterfeit or stolen. “Ask a bank...” However, correctly, they told me that until I do not try to cash it I am “safe”.

On 23 April 2009, I went to a bank. I have no bank accounts. The Providence put on my way a big bank [Canada trust, a Chinatown branch, ...Main Street + Pender St.] already opened at 9:00. “Until you do not cash it, it cannot be verified whether it is counterfeit or stolen or good. To cash it needs an account and to wait some weeks.” It is not one of the checks I currently cash emitted in Vancouver from Vancouver subjects and which do not need bank accounts. It comes from the USA. It is clear they have to verify. On the other side, I have no intention to try to cash a check I do not know for what and from whom.

Ah, ...1'600 US dollars are more than 1'600 Canadian dollars.

...Ah, somebody (that I do not know, …“Ben Mar” become “Pasto Collins”, ) invented some story for sending me that check. Email contacts weeks ago. However, it was NOT requested. I said NOT to send payments in advance. ...An unbelievable (in that case) story of private lessons...

[Improbable] Lessons in Vancouver. US check (so 1'600 Canadian dollar become US dollars!) ...from Malaysia!

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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Hi: 10°
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Partly cloudy. Mild. Temperature of 10°C. Winds...
Hi: 10°
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Drizzle. There is a 60% chance of precipitation. Cloud...

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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The Providence assisted me again. Perhaps a Friday, 12 September 2008 I suppose, early morning, I passed by “legal aid” and it was told me that the free legal aid had been refused. The same day, I finished to write the reasons of the refugee protection claim. I had already filled the other parts of the forms, the so-called PIF (personal information form). I officially gave everything to the competent immigration office. It was a luckiness to have done everything by myself without a lawyer who would have tried to make everything “acceptable” to Canadians, so inevitably ruining everything.

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 21/10/2004
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scaruffi anche tu tiri le notti eh? so entrato e ultimo post 11 secondi fa.

tanto per dire, una volta mi è capitata l'unità in mano e mi sono incasinato con la vista e ho letto scaruffi in un'articolo.

ma c'era scritto altro.


Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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After a few days, perhaps on 8 September 2008, just after having talked with an immigration consultant (by a free service with “government” financing), I passed the medical examination, essential for the work permit (I do not remember whether it was compulsory also for the refugee protection claim), given [or not] from Immigration central offices. The same day I applied for free “legal aid”. Or I went to “legal aid” the same day but it was near the closing time and so I went back the day after with a form they wanted I filled. I gave the form and I talked with one of their para-legal assistants.

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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Hi: 10°
Lo: °
Partly cloudy. Cool. Temperature of 10°C. Winds...
Hi: 8°
Lo: °
Light rain. There is a 60% chance of precipitation. Cl...

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 10/10/2003
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r.scaruffi ha scritto:

Only $10 or $11 per day ($60 per week, $240 per month), for a bed in a six bed room.

Dunque dividi la stanza con altre persone?

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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At the 3 September 2008 afternoon admissibility [on the Canadian territory] hearing, finally the judge simply formalized what agreed between “my” para-State layer and the “government” lawyer. I was admitted on the Canadian territory, so released from arrest, with the obligation to go, once a month, the first Thursday of the month, to the Immigration offices. It was an unusual duty, not imposed to anybody else.

There was only a legal quarrelling between the judge and the “government” layer, because the judge told that he did not want to extend his jurisdiction to questions where not his competence. His competence was only to decide about the admission on the Canadian territory. So, the day after, on 4 September 2008, I went again to the Immigration offices where a female, a “government” layer I suppose, perhaps my case manager for the refugee protection claim, told me what perhaps I already should know, that I was under departure order, departure order which was staying (unenforceable) since the refugee protection claim. It is current procedure.

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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Hi: 11°
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Sunny. Mild. Temperature of 11°C. Winds NNE 11k...
Hi: 9°
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Partly cloudy. Cool. Temperature of 9°C. Winds ...


Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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Naturally, he, they, continued to simulate to be convinced that I would have escaped. Actually, layers, serious lawyers, advice their clients wanting to remain in Canada, just to hide out: “Change city and nobody will ever look for you.”

No, he was a “serious” lawyer, a para-State lawyer. He agreed with the “government” lawyer, the Indian or Pakistani, that it was not claimable that I was not able to walk in the streets. However, there was that “sure information” that I had asked for asylum for escaping. Ridiculous! So they agreed a monthly duty. Each month, the first Thursday, I have to go to show my face to the Immigration Offices. “Do not escape, because they'll find you”, the neurotic “young” layer warned me.

Nobody has that monthly duty. Central Americans caught while trying entering illegally Canada and begged from the Immigration officers “You need protection... ...Please, declare that you need protection. ...You'll became a refugee claimant...” have no monthly or other duty.

They are really insane. One asks for asylum ...for “escaping”, in their “opinion”: such are the suggestions from the secret police bureaux! One could enter Canada with a visitor visa at the border and to remain there forever, if one wanted, perhaps. Equally, if one had something compromising with him, one would enter Canada as a visitor and later would go, with a layer, to the Immigration offices to ask for asylum. In this way, “Mexicans” and others avoid any search at the border.

I reached Vancouver only after that the Providence showed me that Seattle was not the right place where to ask for asylum. On the contrary, all Mexicans and other Latin Americans escaping from US crackdowns against illegal immigrants already know that in Canada there is automatic social assistance (the so-called “welfare”) for refugee protection claimants and that the refugee protection claim guarantees at least three years of permanence, 1.5 year until the refugee claim hearing and 1.5 for the appeal if the refugee claim is rejected. With the right layer, there are people with departure orders having remained here 10 years and more.

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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On 3 September 2008, admissibility [on the Canadian territory] hearing. The layer [“counsel”] given from the Canadian “government” was an amusing [relatively] young neurotic.

Just he saw me, he had a neurotic explosion: “You may not be admitted on the Canadian territory because you are not able to think, to walk, to observe constraints and you came here for escaping!”

I looked at him calmly, coldly and amused.

His attitude changed. Generally, a madman would have immediately hit him. It was clear that he and them had some problem, a lot of problems. They were the madmen.

He called the “government” lawyer. I'll saw him later, an Indian or Pakistani or similar. “Perhaps, your informations are not precise... ...Now we find an accommodation.” He gave me the telephone book and he asked me to call some cheap hostels.

The Providence assisted me again. The first of the list was very probably the cheapest accommodation in Vancouver. It was even walking distance [5 minutes; 10 with baggages slowing the walking] from the Immigration offices where I was in that moment. Idem from the adjacent Central site of the Vancouver Public Library, essential for free internet. Only $10 or $11 per day ($60 per week, $240 per month), for a bed in a six bed room.

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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The view from the 6th floor

The view from the 6th floor, Vancouver, Vancouver Must See Activity, photo, picture, image

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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The building of the right is the VPL, but also some "government" offices somewhere.

The building on the left is a “government” building with various offices, Immigration included.

The view of the library from Georgia Street, Vancouver, Vancouver Must See Activity, photo, picture, image
The view of the library from Georgia Street, Vancouver, Vancouver Must See Activity, photo, picture, imageThe view of the library from Georgia Street, Vancouver, Vancouver Must See Activity, photo, picture, imageThe view of the library from Georgia Street, Vancouver, Vancouver Must See Activity, photo, picture, imageThe view of the library from Georgia Street, Vancouver, Vancouver Must See Activity, photo, picture, imageThe view of the library from Georgia Street, Vancouver, Vancouver Must See Activity, photo, picture, image

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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The exterior of the Vancouver Public Library, Vancouver, Vancouver Must See Activity, photo, picture, image
The exterior of the Vancouver Public Library, Vancouver, Vancouver Must See Activity, photo, picture, imageThe exterior of the Vancouver Public Library, Vancouver, Vancouver Must See Activity, photo, picture, imageThe exterior of the Vancouver Public Library, Vancouver, Vancouver Must See Activity, photo, picture, imageThe exterior of the Vancouver Public Library, Vancouver, Vancouver Must See Activity, photo, picture, imageThe exterior of the Vancouver Public Library, Vancouver, Vancouver Must See Activity, photo, picture, image

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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Vancouver Public Library, Vancouver, Vancouver Must See Activity, photo, picture, image
Vancouver Public Library, Vancouver, Vancouver Must See Activity, photo, picture, imageVancouver Public Library, Vancouver, Vancouver Must See Activity, photo, picture, imageVancouver Public Library, Vancouver, Vancouver Must See Activity, photo, picture, image

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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Vancouver, Vancouver Must See Activity, photo, picture, image

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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Vancouver, Vancouver Must See Activity, photo, picture, image

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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They cannot keep people in detention more than two days, overall, perhaps, in cases where there is no crime. ...I had only asked for asylum... However, they prolonged my detention of another night claiming that I would have surely escaped, if released before the admissibility [to the Canadian territory] hearing. ...Escaped or anyway been incapable to reach the hearing site (in the building adjacent the central location of the Vancouver Public Library), they claimed.

Actually, if they had released me by their own initiative, the admissibility hearing would have been useless. It there were not have been. ...I suppose... If one had been already free...

The secret police bureaux work in this way. They are composed of psychotic and criminal professional pimps whose deliria and crimes are contagious. They had immediately infected the Immigration offices and officers, who and which were evidently predisposed to be infected.

For prolonging my detention of another day/night, the Immigration officers, under the contagion of their secret police bureaux, claimed that I would have surely escaped. ...One asks for asylum for escaping... It is outside any rationality! Such are the deliria of Immigration officers contaminated from the deliria of secret police officers.

If they had asked me, I would have accepted without any problem to extend my [administrative] detention of another day.

Impossible! Secret police bureaux are composed of criminals with very serious mental problems. They cannot reason. The “government[s]” deliria, he demolition operation, were going on also on the Canadian territory, with full Canadian assistance. The deliria were destined to continue...

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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The day before they had already brought me there for bureaucratic duties. Fingertips. They were not sufficiently clear by the airport Immigration. So, they retake the ink ones and also electronic ones. If they liked... ...I was, as usual, very amused... ...They had a lot of problems to play with my fingers... 2 September 2008.

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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After the third night, on 3 September 2008 morning, they brought me again downtown to the Immigration offices adjacent to the central location of the Vancouver Public Library. The “admissibility hearing”...

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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The two days and three nights (31/8-1/9, 1-2/9, 2-3/9) by the airport were used for interviews. They write everything, they tell, my case in a confused and sometimes deformed way. ...Even intentionally deformed. Various parts are totally non-understandable. I saw that, when they sent me the materials for the refugee claim hearing (it'll be next year, perhaps) and, consequently what they have written. They confusedly asked... They wrote... You do not sign your interview(s). They do not know, or in my case they did not know, how to lead an interview. They had no idea how to act and they acted under other influences.

No problem. Better, finally, in that way. For my refugee protection claim, only what I wrote by myself is legally valid. Whatever other “document” is rubbish I eventually may use as evidence of some hetero-direction on the Immigration officers etc.

They were working for me. They were producing additional evidence on the active and persisting cooperation between Canadian and Italian butchers. They are continuing to produce such evidence.

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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If you ask for a free lawyer (they call it “counsel”) when you are in detention (by the airport or other border site) they must give it. On the contrary, later, you have to go to “legal aid” (a formally private, de facto para-State, structure) apply for a free layer, and, in a few days, they accept or refuse your request.

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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If you ask for a free lawyer (they call it “counsel”) when you are in detention (by the airport or other border site) the must give it. On the contrary, later, you have to go to “legal aid” (a formally private, de facto para-State, structure) apply for a free layer, and, in a few days, they accept or refuse your request.

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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Generally, refugee protection claimants have free lawyers (the Canadian “government” pays them) who fill everything (the PIF) for them. Actually, generally people ask immediately for a free layer, also for the first interviews while in detention, or not in detention if they were already on the Canadian territory when the asked for asylum.

In fact, as already told, an oddness of the Canadian procedures is that if you enter Canada as a visitor, or crossing illegally the border, and later you go to the Immigration offices for asking for asylum, you are “honest”. You deceive them, so for them you are honest. If you behave honestly (asking for asylum at a border site) you are a suspect, for them. ...Canadians...

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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However, the same day (1 September 2008) they had told me and their “government” that, in their opinion, I was an “inadmissible pursuant”, they gave me the PIF, the papers one has to fill in 30 days for confirming the refugee protection claim. From inadmissible, I had become admissible. ..The Providence...

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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By the airport, I was without [free] legal assistance. They asked me, but I refused it. I did not need it just for filling forms or for answering questions. ...To have to fight even against “your” lawyer... Thanks to the absence of a lawyer, they perhaps committed some [NOT dramatic] illegalities or irregularities or oddnesses are now useful for my asylum claim as evidence of some “hetero-control” over them.

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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The first act or one of the first acts of the Immigration officers was a communication to one of their “government” offices that not only I had not been admitted on the Canadian territory (a judge will later decide about this decision of the Immigration officers) but also that I was an “inadmissible pursuant” (I suppose about my asylum claim).


Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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I think it is the same for inmates, for what I could see when we were in the same “waiting room”, downtown, for certain procedures. The Immigration offices bought food also for them in a fast food and after having asked each one of them for their preferences. The difference is that inmates are “American style”, with uniform (orange, perhaps), and with chained feet during transportations.

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith