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Saturday, 27 June 2009

31 August 2008 - I asked for political asylum at the Vancouver (B.C. Canada) airport

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Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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It is the moment to talk, or to remain silent, about that!

Canada is deeply involved in the psychotic and criminal operation of the Italian secret police and "government"/State, and it is continuing to provide full assistance to the them.

However, I asked for political asylum in Canada against Italy, Belgium, China and Taiwan.

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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This rubbish of secret police bureaux and their militians are deliriant psychopathic criminals.

They ordered Khalid Al-Seragi to ask his acquittance Najma Asi Ali

to contact me. “Najma, we need to know...”

She tried but...




[[[Ah, if, casually, somebody is simply an idiot, it is easy to suit the government/s for having deceived him/her and involved him/her in a governments' clandestine criminal operation.

No, no, you all are deliriant psychopathic criminals happy accomplices of secret police deliriant psychopathic criminal officers!]]]

Do you "need to know"?!

To pay! To pay! To pay!

To confess! To confess! To confess!

Pagare! Pagare! Pagare!

= er mio "coso" [Ph.D. in Politics] belga o 6'000'000 euro

= 6'000'000'000 euro

= 2'000 condanne a morte in diretta CNN

= passaporto ONU come rifugiato apolide.

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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These “government”/State and para-“government”/State psychopaths and criminals always try to hide previous insanities&crimes by new ones.

Unmasked that they tried to create incidents by that idiotic HAVE-pseudo-School, in other Vancouver BC places, as already in Taiwan, they tried to mount a new “tragedy”:

“He [I, R.S.] must be hacked your computer.”


The followed path/chain has followed a usual pattern:

* Secret police officers of the Canadian Secret Service and of the CBSA =>

* => B.C. Social Assistance & the direction of its contractor Mosaic =>

* => The MOSAIC clerks Alberto (a Canadian from Mexico) and Khalid Al-Seragi (a Canadian from Yemeni) =>

    * => Najma Asi Ali (a new Canadian from Kurdish Iraq), an ex-Mosaic client in touch with Khalid Al-Seragi =>

      * => Patricia Becerra Escoto, an ex-Mosaic client and Najma Asi Ali pseudo-friend


Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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From the front-line of “government”/State crimes!

...From the fascistoid, antisemite and perverted prof. André-Paul Frognier (UCL, Wallony, Belgium) [& Co.], already co-author of the xenophobic and reactionary Walloon manifest Choisir l'Avenir [!!!], charged from an Italian Secret Police Bureau, through the Belgian military secret police, of assisting its demolition project, by social lynching (1999-2002) and final obstruction of a finished Ph.D. in politics (2001-2002), to two idiotic cooks [& Co.]

charged, from a Canadian secret police bureau [of the CBSA?] in continuing cooperation with an Italian Secret Police Bureau, of similar activities, during part of January and February 2009, in Vancouver B.C., and even of denying a for me useless and ridiculous [pseudo-]”diploma” ...and connected [only] $100!

subhead in charge: “Ori” the transex

+ Florentino Aparicio

+ Marcos Morales

+ Carlos Munoz

"They” [a Canadian Secret Police [a special bureau of the CBSA?]] assured you that you were covered and protected in your psychotic and criminal activities?!

Sorry, you are absolutely UNCOVERED and UNMASKED!!!




= The direction of Mosaic (Vancouver's government contractors) with their inept clerks as Alberto and Khalid

= Their cheaters “immigrants” making a living by frauds

The perverted idiots of H.A.V.E.

= ...Patricia Becerra Escoto (recruited through a Kurdish-Iraqi cheater of the social security)



...Ah, “they” have contacted, in September 2008 until now, also Vincent F. and they have sent and are sending “their” “contractors” to his real estates...

Only psychopathic criminals cooperate with psychopathic criminals of secret police services!

Demolition programs (with social lynching and white torture), included the cooperation with them, are not only insanities. They are CRIMES!

The cannot even denounce me for slander because it is everything true! ...Even more...




IDIOTS (not only psychopathic criminals)!

To pay! To pay! To pay!

To confess! To confess! To confess!

Pagare! Pagare! Pagare!

= er mio "coso" [Ph.D. in Politics] belga o 6'000'000 euro

= 6'000'000'000 euro

= 2'000 condanne a morte in diretta CNN

= passaporto ONU come rifugiato apolide.

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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“Government”/State and common psychopathic criminals believe to hide the traces they are psychopaths and criminals by committing further psychopathic crimes. IDIOTS!

Thank you, rubbish! YOU ALL work for me!

YOU are MY evidence!


Suit “governments”/State fucked and are fucking YOU. Better, suit yourselves.

Did you like to be fucked? Now, enjoy it!

Are YOU government officers [simulating] self-believing to pursue some great mission?


Which “great mission”?!


You know you cheat even yourselves. You are just psychopathic criminals feeling covered because you commit psychopathic crimes on “government” [pseudo] “orders” and taking salaries and other benefits for that.

To pay! To pay! To pay!

To confess! To confess! To confess!

Pagare! Pagare! Pagare!

= er mio "coso" [Ph.D. in Politics] belga o 6'000'000 euro

= 6'000'000'000 euro

= 2'000 condanne a morte in diretta CNN

= passaporto ONU come rifugiato apolide.

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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To be accomplices of “government”/State psychopathic criminals qualifies you all for psychiatric internment and for prosecution-detention.

Did they tell you that you were covered and protected?!


Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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Vincent Fodera

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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From the front-line of “government”/State crimes!

...From the fascistoid, antisemite and perverted prof. André-Paul Frognier (UCL, Wallony, Belgium) [& Co.], already co-author of the xenophobic and reactionary Walloon manifest Choisir l'Avenir [!!!], charged from an Italian Secret Police Bureau, through the Belgian military secret police, of assisting its demolition project, by social lynching (1999-2002) and final obstruction of a finished Ph.D. in politics (2001-2002), to two idiotic cooks [& Co.]

charged, from a Canadian secret police bureau [of the CBSA?] in continuing cooperation with an Italian Secret Police Bureau, of similar activities, during part of January and February 2009, in Vancouver B.C., and even of denying a for me useless and ridiculous [pseudo-]”diploma” ...and connected [only] $100!

subhead in charge: “Ori” the transex

+ Florentino Aparicio

+ Marcos Morales

+ Carlos Munoz

"They” [a Canadian Secret Police [a special bureau of the CBSA?]] assured you that you were covered and protected in your psychotic and criminal activities?!

Sorry, you are absolutely UNCOVERED and UNMASKED!!!




= The direction of Mosaic (Vancouver's government contractors) with their inept clerks as Alberto and Khalid

= Their cheaters “immigrants” making a living by frauds

The perverted idiots of H.A.V.E.

= ...Patricia Becerra Escoto (recruited through a Kurdish-Iraqi cheater of the social security)



...Ah, “they” have contacted, in September 2008 until now, also Vincent F. and they have sent and are sending “their” “contractors” to his real estates...

Only psychopathic criminals cooperate with psychopathic criminals of secret police services!

Demolition programs (with social lynching and white torture), included the cooperation with them, are not only insanities. They are CRIMES!

The cannot even denounce me for slander because it is everything true! ...Even more...




IDIOTS (not only psychopathic criminals)!

To pay! To pay! To pay!

To confess! To confess! To confess!

Pagare! Pagare! Pagare!

= er mio "coso" [Ph.D. in Politics] belga o 6'000'000 euro

= 6'000'000'000 euro

= 2'000 condanne a morte in diretta CNN

= passaporto ONU come rifugiato apolide.

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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The only two things written [and really declared] from me are the 4 pages you [oddly] asked me just arrived and the PIF. Everything else are deliria of your CBSA (and of the secret police bureaux of the CBSA took immediately over your immigration officers). ...Compare what they have written and argued (even falsely claiming that as my declarations or outcome of my interviews; in one act there is also my signature, but that is irrelevant since it is evident that it was illegally written from you inventing “my” declarations) and what written from me.

YOU have produced and are producing evidence that YOUR cooperation with the demolition operation (with social lynching and white torture) of the Italian secret police in Taiwan (4.5 years) has immediately continued on the Canadian territory. ...Compare what YOU have written and my TWO pieces of writing!

Did YOU really think you could erase the traces of your Taiwanese crimes and insanities continuing them on the Canadian territory?

IDIOTS (not only absolutely insane and criminals)!

To pay! To pay! To pay!

To confess! To confess! To confess!

Pagare! Pagare! Pagare!

= er mio "coso" [Ph.D. in Politics] belga o 6'000'000 euro

= 6'000'000'000 euro

= 2'000 condanne a morte in diretta CNN

= passaporto ONU come rifugiato apolide.

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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According the Canadian Immigration Act, the cooperation with operations of demolition, [social] lynching, [white] torture is incompatible with the status of refugee protection claimant. It is not an attenuating circumstance that these subjects are, as well as your secret police officers [of the CBSA, of the Secret Service, or of both?] etc using them, completely insane and perverted.

They must be revoked from the status of refugee protection claimants, prosecuted and deported. Also the involved Canadian citizens must be prosecuted.

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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She was bought for $73 (a monthly bus pass) and “fucked”:

We have a super-secret super-sure information... ...He his a super-hacker... ...He is persecuting you... ...You are everyday sicker because he has hacked you computer...


You are everyday sicker because you are insane and a pervert!

If they are not super-criminals and super-psychotics, they cannot be “super”-academicians consultants of secret police bureaux, officers of secret police bureaux, Statesmen and Stateswomen, MPs included, using and/or covering secret police bureaux, and they cannot be even only occasionally recruited and/or occasionally used from secret police bureaux!

Super-criminals and super-psychotics, FORWARD!

Your “fatherlands” need YOU!


Did they tell you that you were protected and covered?

Sorry, you are unmasked and fucked!


Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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Canada Border Services Agency | Agence des services frontaliers du Canada
Canada Border Services Agency | Agence des services frontaliers du Canada

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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Ethnically from Chiapas?

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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There are security cameras outside the library.

Patricia [alias Dinorah] Becerra

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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From the front-line of “government”/State crimes!

If they are not criminal and insane, they cannot belong to secret police services and they cannot cooperate with them.

The same psychotic and perverted subject was sent to me on 2 June 2009 for making me to “drink” I do not know what insane story, was sent to me again today.

Today (8 June 2009), around 15:30, she was apparently waiting for me when I was going into the central branch of the Vancouver Public Library.

- “We have to talk.”

- “No!” ...I have already talked too much with psychotics and criminals sent from Italic secret police bureaux now through Canadian ones.

“You are a hacker! You have hacked my computer.”

“Me?! I'm totally innocent. Go to the police!” And I went away.

I had no idea what she was taking about.

I?! ...Hacked her computer?! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

Secret police branches of the CBSA, and “normal” CBSA!, she is totally insane since she invents things, slanders people, and now it can be demonstrated if she'll continue to sustain that persecution theory that I have hacked her computer. According your Immigration Act, this is incompatible with the continuation of her status of refugee protection claimant.

Her status of refugee protection claimant must be revoked and she must be immediately deported. On the other side, you know her true story. She, genetically ill and insane, harassed the people of the district of Mexico City where she had opened a kind of pseudo-feminist social centre with annexed restaurant. The business was not profitable. She moved to the USA and Canada. Finally, just for tricking “the [Canadian] system”, she invented fantastic persecutions from imaginary gangs. ...Usual “Mexican” stories...

Ah, no, you like, you adore, insane and criminals! She is one of you “genial” militians, totally insane and furious.

You are protecting and you'll protect her!

You told her, through someone of you insane and criminal militians: “He is a hacker. You must invent some criminal accusation.”

I?! ...Hacked her computer?! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

Are you (Italian and Canadian secret police bureaux) and your militians continuing to use such criminals and psychotics? Good luck!



Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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From the front-line of “government”/State crimes!

On 1-2 June 2009, “they” organised a provocation through a psychotic [nearly] old bag, hoping I would have written here some false [pseudo]“information” (against somebody else!).

...As “we” did not know everything...

They/YOU are insane!

They/YOU are criminals!

They/YOU are also absolutely idiotic!

"They” [a Canadian Secret Police [a special bureau of the CBSA, now?]] assured you that you were covered and protected in your psychotic and criminal activities?!

Sorry, you are absolutely UNCOVERED and UNMASKED!!!

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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From the front-line of “government”/State crimes!

...From the fascistoid, antisemite and perverted prof. André-Paul Frognier (UCL, Wallony, Belgium) [& Co.], already co-author of the xenophobic and reactionary Walloon manifest Choisir l'Avenir [!!!], charged from an Italian Secret Police Bureau, through the Belgian military secret police, of assisting its demolition project, by social lynching (1999-2002) and final obstruction of a finished Ph.D. in politics (2001-2002), to two idiotic cooks [& Co.]

charged, from a Canadian secret police bureau [of the CBSA?] in continuing cooperation with an Italian Secret Police Bureau, of similar activities, during part of January and February 2009, in Vancouver B.C., and even of denying a for me useless and ridiculous [pseudo-]”diploma” ...and connected [only] $100!

subhead in charge: “Ori” the transex

+ Florentino Aparicio

+ Marcos Morales

+ Carlos Munoz

"They” [a Canadian Secret Police [a special bureau of the CBSA?]] assured you that you were covered and protected in your psychotic and criminal activities?!

Sorry, you are absolutely UNCOVERED and UNMASKED!!!

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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Whoever likes his/her/its picture... ...”we” are customer oriented.

No lawsuit useful... ...Try murder[s], if you want to try...


Fête privée (réservée aux fonctionnaires)

From the front-line of “government”/State crimes!

...From the fascistoid, antisemite and perverted prof. André-Paul Frognier (UCL, Wallony, Belgium) [& Co.], already co-author of the xenophobic and reactionary Walloon manifest Choisir l'Avenir [!!!], charged from an Italian Secret Police Bureau, through the Belgian military secret police, of assisting its demolition project, by social lynching (1999-2002) and final obstruction of a finished Ph.D. in politics (2001-2002), to two idiotic cooks

HAVE Cafe, Vancouver Culinary Training School, Restaurant, Downtown Eastside

charged, from a Canadian secret police bureau [of the CBSA?] in continuing cooperation with an Italian Secret Police Bureau, of similar activities, during part of January and February 2009, in Vancouver B.C., and even of denying a for me useless and ridiculous [pseudo-]”diploma” ...and connected [only] $100!

"They” assured you that you were covered and protected in your psychotic and criminal activities?!

Sorry, you are absolutely UNCOVERED and UNMASKED!!!

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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...oh..., ...terrible!

Lawyer is lawyer, NOT layer.

I misspelled [or misspelt] it at least 10 times.

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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subhead in charge: “Ori” the transex

+ Florentino Aparicio

+ Marcos Morales

+ Carlos Munoz

If there were any legality, according the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Division 4), these four and eventual other idiotic and para-criminal sub-mercenaries of Canadian secret police bureaux (of the same CBSA?), since their psychotic and criminal activities, should have become inadmissible relatively to their status of refugee protection claimants.

The fact of having acted feeling covered from Canadian “government” psychotics and criminals of secret police bureaux is not an attenuating circumstance but an aggravating one.

They” told you that you were “covered”?

You are [self-]fucked!!!

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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subhead in charge: “Ori” the transex

+ Florentino Aparicio

+ Marcos Morales

+ Carlos Munoz

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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From the front-line of “government”/State crimes!

...From the fascistoid, antisemite and perverted prof. André-Paul Frognier (UCL, Wallony, Belgium), already co-author of the xenophobic and reactionary Walloon manifest Choisir l'Avenir [!!!], charged from an Italian Secret Police Bureau, through the Belgian military secret police, of assisting its demolition project, by social lynching (1999-2002) and final obstruction of a finished Ph.D. in politics (2001-2002), to two idiotic cooks

HAVE Cafe, Vancouver Culinary Training School, Restaurant, Downtown Eastside

charged, from a Canadian secret police bureau [of the CBSA?] in continuing cooperation with an Italian Secret Police Bureau, of similar activities, during part of January and February 2009, in Vancouver B.C., and even of denying a for me useless and ridiculous [pseudo-]”diploma” ...and connected [only] $100!

"They” assured you that you were covered and protected in your psychotic and criminal activities?!

Sorry, you are absolutely UNCOVERED and UNMASKED!!!

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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Don't use the address below.

It is changing.

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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subject: your 11 May 2009 letter (received on 14 May 2009), GA03990680


Vancouver B.C., 16 May 2009

Roberto Scaruffi

347, W. Pender St.,

V6B1T3 Vancouver B.C.

To the

Ministry of Housing and Social Development

Kiwassa Office

205, Powell Street

Vancouver BC

V6A 1G3

Object: your 11 May 2009 letter (received on 14 May 2009), GA03990680


the same day (11 May 2009) I informed you (by the so-called stub) that I had received a regular wage since regular [sub-proletarian] work, you, after having contacted Mosaic, reacted disappointed.

Are you disappointed that I have found a job, while your contractor Mosaic works actively for hampering people from finding legal jobs?

When I was without work permit, I always followed diligently and rapidly all the craziness of your contractor who, as you and you government know, just waste public money in useless pseudo-courses.

For example, it provided no assistance when I formally informed Mosaic-Khalid Al-Seragi that the times of my work permit were abnormally long. I solved by myself this problem, as Mosaic well knows.

Just I got the work permit (March 2009), I looked intensively for a job, despite the interference of your-Mosaic useless odd courses, which, as you well know, are absolutely untailored to your most educated “clients”.

On 23 April 2009, early morning, I told Khalid Al-Seragi that I had previously worked (only 27 hours, in 6 days, in 2 weeks, after I got the work permit) but without being paid. He reacted as usual: annoyed and doing nothing. He did not provide me with any assistance about the complaining procedures. I did everything by myself.

The same 23 April 2009, early morning, I asked him what to do with the Social Assistance (with you) if I was working and just I had been paid. He reacted annoyed and disappointed.

The same day, 23 April 2009, I should go to the job fair outside the central branch of the VPL. It was the only “activity” assigned to me by your contractor, Mosaic- Khalid Al-Seragi, after the end-March 2009 useless one week cashier course. He was precise (it was late March): “Go to that 23 April 2009 job fair. ...Collect business cards. The day after (24 April 2009) at 9:30, come here.”

I went to that job fair when I went back from work, at 15:30. There was not any more anybody. The day after, I had equally to go to work. I just waited to receive my first [sub-proletarian] pay for informing you that until my working services are needed (or until some your federal “government” secret police officer does not pretend I be fired), I do not need any more your “support”.

There is an open question, in which you are fully involved: H.A.V.E. [pseudo]Culinary School.

It is something connected to my Refugee Protection Claim.

...It is everything public:

With your-Mosaic cooperation, officers of a Canadian secret police bureau [...perhaps or very probably of the CBSA... you should know!] interfered with my attendance of the H.A.V.E. [pseudo]Culinary School. They contacted the Executive director Amber Anderson. She, with the other pseudo teacher (Sabrina) of the pseudo school, tried to organize incidents (a lynching climate) using some idiotic and para-criminal Mexicans. Unsuccessful, they (the two pseudo teachers) became growingly hysterical trying continuously quarrelling. They were equally unsuccessful, since I washed all the dishes and the floors they wanted and I did all the other pseudo-activities of the pseudo-school, without any problem, and letting them, increasingly depressed, to quarrel with themselves. Despite I attended the pseudo-school every day, always on time and always leaving it not before the right time, for 8 full weeks and 3 days, so even 3 days more, I received not the diploma and I received not the $100 were in the initial contract. Naturally, I received, from them, no support for finding a job. The final diploma and the final $100 are given to everybody, on simple attendance. Your federal government secret police officers ordered them not to give me the final diploma and the final $100. You-Mosaic have been and are accomplices.

Secret police officers of your federal government have committed crimes. The two pseudo teachers of the H.A.V.E. [pseudo]Culinary School have committed crimes. YOU-MOSAIC have committed crimes.

Your Mosaic interlocutor, Khalid Al-Seragi, formally informed by me, reacted as usual: doing nothing. ...They-you were/are accomplices...

Anyway, I'd like to thank you very much for the $235 per month you provided me from October 2008 until April 2009, and also for the $240 rent, despite the first months you had simulated to have forgotten that there were also that $240 rent [equally, Mosaic-Khalid Al-Seragi, informed, did not provide me of any support about that question]. Also the free bus-tickets and bus-passes have been very precious. Thank you again for your generosity.

Best regards

dr. Roberto Scaruffi

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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What are secret police bureaux?

In whatever country/State, whatever armed, para-armed, police and para-police force has special bureaux with officers with special cards and regulations. These special cards and regulations allow them [illegally] to commit crimes and to block whatever investigation against themselves or others they want [illegally] to protect.

The officers of these secret police bureaux by various State entities are psychotic and criminals in omnipotence deliria since the impunity and unaccountability they enjoy. The official [false] justification of such special cards & regulations bureaux and officers is the “State security”.

It is false. It is a lie. They are simply criminal centres living parasitically inside State entities and paid with the subjects [pseudo-citizens] money for protecting bureaucratic corruption from citizens accountability.

The evidence of that? Me.

I am the evidence. I am the witness.

I am a target of these Secret Police bureaux while there is NO “State security” to protect, in my case. THEY have historically acted organising massacres, crises and conflicts, so endangering public security.

In Canada, there are different Secret Police Bureaux by different entities. For example there are by the Canadian Secret Service, by the different military corps and even by the CBSA, the Canada Border Services Agency.

In Taiwan, Secret Police bureaux of the Canadian Secret Service and military had already assisted the psychotic and criminal activities of the Italian and Taiwanese government Secret Police bureaux. Also US ones did that.

They went on on the Canadian territory. They are going on on the Canadian territory.

Just I asked for asylum (my 31 August 2008 refugee protection claim by the Vancouver airport, just landed), the Secret Police bureau of the CBSA was activated and took over my case. Thanks to these psychotics, criminals and idiots, there is now additional broad evidence of the Italian and other State crimes. They falsified my interviews with stupidities easily detectable just reading them. All their acts relating me have been unusual, uncommon, fantastical, absolutely odd and indicating strong precise biases.

For refugee protection claimants, there is only one way for getting a work permit. Before, they must apply and get social assistance. It is the law. I applied for social assistance on 1 October 2008 and I got it (money) on 2 October 2008. $235 per month + rent until $375. It is equal for everybody. The variable part is the rent. It depends on what one pays, until that maximum. There are special “tables” you may find on internet for families etc. For various months they simulated to have forgotten to give me the equivalent of the rent (only $240 ...since my Spartan customs!). I solved that “problem”. But they had mysteriously “forgotten” these $240 rent, despite I asked, every month, whether they were sure that the “support” was only $235.

The social assistance sends its clients to contractors, Mosaic in my case: . Mosaic sends its clients to other sub-contractors. ...Useless language classes, typing accuracy courses, courses on strategies for finding imaginary wonderful jobs, pseudo-professional courses: there is a wide “market” living parasitically over the social assistance funds.

Russian aeronautic engineers are sent to pseudo culinary schools; after they may become $8 dishwashers, ...if they are lucky! Filipino teachers with masters in education, and with perfect English, are sent to work as part-time waiters [for $8 per hour or a bit more perhaps, if they are lucky]. Computer scientists are deceived they could become $15 per hours caregivers ($8, if they are so lucky to find a job or anyway to work). Serbian engineers are fooled that with the right resume' (c.v.), after a 3 week course, they could get more than a pizza delivery “job” (if they have their own car!). Such is the asylum claimants and immigrants fauna in charge of the various “Mosaic”, alias the social assistance programs. The Mosaic “super-specialists” “in finding jobs” just send you to “job fairs”: “Go there. Collect business cards. ...And have faith! Optimistic approach to life! ...and come back here to report [that we have to write to the social assistance that WE are actively find a job for you.]”

The Secret Police bureau of the CBSA, in cooperation with Italian government Secret Police bureaux, interfered with these social assistance programs, in my case. For example, they organised people for creating incidents in different situations. They did that also, at least once, clamorously, in cooperation with the British Columbia social assistance and with Mosaic. Got no result as usual, they prohibited a certain pseudo school to give me a [for me totally useless] diploma was actually given everybody on simple attendance. I was the only one, actually, to attend everyday and always in time and even for some days more. And, “at school”, I did whatever they [the 2 pseudo-teachers on instructors] wanted. Perhaps they believe to create incidents by these final omission [...end February 2009], while they had failed before using, in the same place, an organised gang of insane criminals under CBSA protection.

They did,! They wanted incidents?! ...Voilà! ...Now, I can publicly denounce that and them and they cannot legally react or suit me because everything is true!

...Psychotics and criminals of the Canadian government who/which already cooperated in Taiwan with the psychotics and criminals of the Italian government now continuing that cooperation of the Canadian territory...

Thank you. That everybody knew.

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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Insane and criminal assholes, ask for my dossier now by Letta-Berlusconi, Rutelli, De Gennaro, etc., massacre bureaux of Carabinieri-ArmedForces, PS etc, Interpol, NATO, and the Canadian and other governments etc.

You'll find there the insanities and crimes of the governments, “governments” and parliaments of Italy, Belgium, China, Taiwan, Canada, USA etc as well as your personal crimes and insanities.


To pay! To pay! To pay!

To confess! To confess! To confess!

Pagare! Pagare! Pagare!

= er mio "coso" [Ph.D. in Politics] belga o 6'000'000 euro

= 6'000'000'000 euro

= 2'000 condanne a morte in diretta CNN

= passaporto ONU come rifugiato apolide.

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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Avv. Peratello
Formulo la presente in nome e per conto della Sig. Pata Francesca che mi ha fornito ilsuoindirizzo e.mail, chiedendomi di mettermi in contatto con Lei per comunicarLe notizie cher La riguardano.
La invito a contattare con cortese urgenza.
Avv. Enrico Peratello Genova Salita Vaile 5/6 sc. s.

Please, tell these government, para-government and “private” assholes that it is nearly everything public.

I have only to repeat what written in other threads [forum arguments]:

Pagare! Pagare! Pagare!

= er mio "coso" [Ph.D. in Politics] belga o 6'000'000 euro

= 6'000'000'000 euro

= 2'000 condanne a morte in diretta CNN

= passaporto ONU come rifugiato apolide.

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Iscritto dal: 24/12/2008
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Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith