On 10 September 2010, in the morning, I met Mr. Andy Hsu, the Enforcement Assistant charged of the execution of “my” removal order. It was not a lucky day for him, and also for a lot of other public transportation users, because he was late of about 90 minutes (only 30, for our appointment). Generally, in those government’s offices, they are on the working place at 8:00. He arrived around 9:30. He was blocked in some Sky Train.
Since I have 15 days for the appeal of the decision of the Pre-Removal Assessment Risk decision (decision naturally negative and reached in 2 months [from R. Cope, Pre-Removal Assessment Officer, who, although incapable, as already the administrative judge of the refugee protection claim, to understand basic Constitutional and legal mechanisms, anyway, fortunately, concentrated his in-my-opinion-nonsense in one page] instead of the usual 6 for everybody else; evidently the CSIS-NATO Secret Police Bureaux were and are in a hurry or, perhaps, only desperate) he convoked me again for the day 28 September 2010 at 9:00.
For what he announced to me and I announced to him, in occasion of our 10 September 2010 meeting, I told him that I’ll insist on their respect of what stated in their law [see it quoted again in my 8 September 2010 email to them and him], so I’ll show him that I have more than sufficient funds for reaching, in first instance, a non-bordering country and that I’ll ask him to be allowed to buy a direct flight ticket Vancouver–a_non_bordering_country. He insisted [in my opinion against their formal law] that I MUST go to Italy. For what I have understood, if I insist in their respect of what for me is their formal and substantial law, I’ll be immediately arrested for deportation.
...It they want to play, we’ll play...
Future is always uncertain and I may not know whether he-they will persist in this attitude on 28 September 2010. Anyway, if nothing happens in the meanwhile, on Tuesday 28 September 2010, I’ll go to our meeting (the “interview” “to discuss your [my] case”) with my baggage for being arrested ...or for being let to go where I wish. If arrested, I have to appear in front of a judge in a couple of days. The judge is competent, I suppose, only for the legitimacy of the arrest. However, I suppose that implicitly or explicitly he’ll decide about my thesis and their thesis.
What I’d like to underline is that, when I told him, more than once, that I asked only to respect the law, Mr. Andy Hsu did NOT try to claim that the law was different as I thought, or that I have not understood it, and so on. So, evidently, he had received the order that I ought to be obliged or induced to “voluntarily” go to Italy [they are not only irredeemable criminals and incurable insane louse, but even absolutely idiotic!]. That is not astonishing since this long State’s terrorism of Secret Police Bureaux at NATO level against me (“He must not work, he must not study, he must not live, he must be obliged to go back to Italy, where now we must destroy him because not only he refused to be pushed to clandestinity and to commit crimes [it was and is the program, already clearly stated 20 and more years ago in my case, of these State’s insanely criminal operations] but now also because he has unmasked our crimes against him and a lot of other people without we could undermine his credibility, which, on the contrary, is constantly increasing!”). Mr. Andy Hsu seemed even a bit nervous when he told that he’ll have to arrest me if I refuse to go voluntarily to Italy. He has received the order that I must be illegally obliged or induced to “voluntarily” go to Italy and he is failing. “You go to Italy and later you may leave it even immediately for whatever other place...” ...Yes, there is also another aspect (or perhaps more than one) in this insistence... We’ll NOT talk about it now and here.
Anyway, we’ll see on 28 September 2010 what will happen.
Ah, if, in detention [those 2 or, if the judge will confirm the arrest, more days until deportation], I “casually” die, I’ll have been assassinated from Italian, Canadian, and British-US-NATO Secret Police Bureaux and governments. My goal, now, is to go out from Canada as soon as possible and to reach a safe place, NOT to reach a grave. On the contrary, for them, I am the only person, and clearly absolutely reliable, having unmasked and denounced their [not] strange “super-Gladio”, at NATO (also outside the NATO area, with British and US strong involvement) level, with vast parallel militias [squalid mob of criminals, mafiosi, pimps and prostitutes, drug addicts and mentally insane louses! They cannot recruit anything better ...There is a similarity/sympathy principle: they have a common language and understanding only with louse similar to them!] they even illegally provide with military devices for their crimes, for trying promoting and managing even classical internal terrorism and for implementing social terrorism as a “consensus”-domination technique over “their” populations.