Jenna Leve, alias JenniferWu, alias 伍純樺, organizer, with her South-African husband Matt/Matthew Leve, of State/“government” terrorism [social lynching and white torture] in Taichung, Taiwan, at the orders of the Taiwanese Military Secret Police
André Joseph Paradis. Canadian subject
Involved in CSIS’ and Taiwanese Secret police’s social lynching and white torture in Taichung, Taiwan
Involved in CSIS’ and Taiwanese Secret police’s social lynching and white torture in Taichung, Taiwan
- Hometown:
- Gatineau, QC
========================================================James Nwanazia. Involved (2008-2009) in CSIS-RCMP-IRBC social lynching and white torture in Vancouver B.C., Canada, as 's staff
Christine O'Brien. Canadian subject
Mar, 27/07/2010 - 04:41 (nuovo)
#5 The Canadian Refugee Board assured advantages to the louses cooperating with its lynching and torture activities.
Sab, 24/07/2010 - 05:50 (nuovo)
#8 CIA exceeded interrogation limits, former Justice Dept. official says
The former Justice Department official who cowrote the so-called torture memos testified that the department did not sanction some of the harsh methods the CIA used against detainees during the George W. Bush administration, including the repeated waterboarding of two suspected terrorists.
Army 'involved in torture mission with US troops'
Claims that British soldiers used water torture on a badly beaten Iraqi man before unlawfully handing him over to US interrogators are being investigated by the Ministry of Defence
Torture and the UK: 2002-10
As evidence emerges that MI5 was complicit in the torture of some Britons overseas, see their cases and what is known of UK government or intelligence activities at the time
Tony Blair knew of secret policy on terror interrogations
Letter reveals former PM was aware of guidance to UK agents which effectively led to torture.
UK: The torture files: key passages
We highlight the key passages from the classified documents disclosed in high court proceedings - and what they show.
Paper trail points to Blair
Former PM 'sanctioned the abuse of UK citizens'
In case you missed it:
Blair's fight to keep his oil cash secret
Former PM's deals are revealed as his earnings since 2007 reach £20million