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Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Joined: 24/12/2008
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The State Police/Interior Ministry dissociates itself from the criminal activities of Carabinieri and NATO Secret Police Bureaux

This informative note, sent to the Canadian Embassy in Rome from the Italic Interior Ministry, is a real masterpiece by which the Interior Ministry try to dissociate itself from the criminal activities of the Carabinieri Secret Police and of other NATO Secret Police Bureaux.

At the same time, this masterpiece certifies the truthfulness of all my accusations against the clandestine criminal activities of the Carabinieri Secret Police Bureaux. It is a full support to my “refugee protection claim” in Canada.  

In these administrative offices of the Interior Ministry and of the local/territorial State Police Headquarters [Questure], there are people generally with a degree in law and with previous studies by classical lyceums. They are expert in using language and symbolisms.

It is what they do in this informative note.

It is better to reproduce the whole text, as translated from Canadian authorities, and later to explain the message sent through it.

It was sent to a Canadian translation office [from Italian to English] on 02 February 2010 and received back from the Immigration and Refugee Board on 10 February 2010.  

“Your ref.: Request for verification of February 6, 2009 and March 26, 2009.
“Canadian Embassy in Rome
“Subject: Roberto SCARUFFI, born on March 11, 2009 [sic] in La Spezia
 “Further to the note of this office dated March 31, 2009, we are writing to provide additional information received from the police headquarters in Turin on the subject named above.”   
“A leftist sympathizer since the 1980’s, in 1981, Roberto Scaruffi was arrested for participation in a subversive organization, robbery and other offences. While acquitted of criminal association, he was convicted of the other crimes. He was released due to the lapse of the time limit for preventive custody, and at remand hearings, the Court of Cassation dismissed the sentence and the First Section of the Turin of Assize and Appeal passed a final acquittal of all charges.
“It appears that while he was in China as a student, in March 2004, he was expelled by the Chinese authorities for aggressive behaviour.”
“In September 2008, Scaruffi attempted to embark for the United States of America at Tokyo Airport with the intention of asking for political asylum in that country, but he was refused boarding since he did not have the mandatory return flight ticket.”
“There are several posting linked to Scaruffi on the Internet in which he expressed the belief that he is being persecuted and watched by the authorities.

Splendid, divine, masterpiece!
Thank you “Police Headquarters of Turin” [Questura di Torino]. It is a splendid accusation act against the Italic, Canadian and NATO Secret Police Bureaux implementing these criminal and insane programs!  

“(...) we are writing to provide additional information (...)”. They had already provided some information, evidently useless against me. Somebody and/or something solicited additional information usable against me. They have NOT provided it!  

“A leftist sympathizer since the 1980’s, in 1981, Roberto Scaruffi was arrested for participation in a subversive organization, robbery and other offences. While acquitted of criminal association, he was convicted of the other crimes. He was released due to the lapse of the time limit for preventive custody, and at remand hearings, the Court of Cassation dismissed the sentence and the First Section of the Turin of Assize and Appeal passed a final acquittal of all charges.”
It is casual, imprecise, inconsistent, even without dates. I have already provided RELIABLE and PRECISE information about that. Anyway, it certifies that “final acquittal of all charges.” 2 charges [1+1 later for prolonging the preventive detention]. Arrested on 3 July 1981. 1 acquittal on 25 October 1984. Released on 26 October 1984. Final acquittal from the other charge in the first half of March 1990, perhaps around 10-11 March 1990.
So, your slanders in Italy and abroad with the complicity of the various NATO countries and even outside the NATO area?! ...20-25 years of slanders, of social lynching in Italy and abroad?!   
In addition, the casual and annoyed tone of this passage sends another message. The Interior Ministry has NO interest in me. I am the most honest person of the world. I am involved in NOTHING, alias I am NOT involved in anything.
So, your slanders in Italy and abroad, with the complicity of the various NATO country and even outside the NATO area?! ...20-25 years of slanders, of social lynching in Italy and abroad?!
...with connected, from the year 2000, of obsessive and continuous white torture?  

Since this was not usable against me, but only in my favour, somebody and/or something pretended something eventually usable, from a judge or commissar of the Refugee Board/Court for justify a rejection of my refugee protection claim. Some insane idiot of some Secret Police Bureaux told: “Write that about China-2004”:
“It appears that while he was in China as a student, in March 2004, he was expelled by the Chinese authorities for aggressive behaviour.”
The “Police Headquarters of Turin” [Questura di Torino] have the complete photocopy of my old passport. They verified that this disinformation was a slander. They wrote it equally. I could easily claim that it was a new, further, slander. THEY wanted to fuck the Carabinieri and others of Secret Police Bureaux organising suck insanities and crimes.
Better, YOU have the certified copy of my old passport. YOU may and can easily verify that this is just an additional slander. So, those who control the official informations in Italy are cheaters and slanderers!
I have already declared that, on Italic Secret Police Bureaux request, with NATO cooperation, I was submitted, also in China, to an obsessive social lynching and to an obsessive white torture. Now, you have the evidence that I am reliable while this State/“government” rubbish are what they are. They are cheaters and slanders. I am not.   

Under pressure from some Carabinieri Secret Police Bureaux, the “Police Headquarters of Turin” [Questura di Torino] wrote, equally in a casual and annoyed tone:
“In September 2008, Scaruffi attempted to embark for the United States of America at Tokyo Airport with the intention of asking for political asylum in that country, but he was refused boarding since he did not have the mandatory return flight ticket.”
At that time, I was in Canada. I have already referred about my kidnapping by the Tokyo airport on Italic and U.S. request. NOT in September 2008. The benevolent functionary of the “Police Headquarters of Turin” [Questura di Torino] told you “political asylum”. No, when I talked with a functionary of the U.S. immigration a said only “asylum”. By this “political asylum”, the functionary of the State Police of the “Police Headquarters of Turin” [Questura di Torino] wanted just to send a further message about this criminal operation of Carabinieri-NATO Secret Police Bureaux for producing internal terrorists and terrorism.

Voilà, the final and nearly official certification from the Italic Interior Ministry that there is a long-lasting operation of Carabinieri-NATO Secret Police Bureaux against me:
“There are several posting linked to Scaruffi on the Internet in which he expressed the belief that he is being persecuted and watched by the authorities.”
Since my Internet interventions and accusations are considerably heavier than some complaining about “persecution” and “watching”, and since, in Italy, prosecution is mandatory, this is the certification that, since there is no judicial action against me, what I declare and write is absolutely truthful and, since there is no judicial investigation or prosecution on the heavy State[s]/“government[s]” crime I denounce, they are work of Carabinieri-NATO Secret Police Bureaux which can control and paralyse magistracy.

Thank you, “Police Headquarters of Turin” [Questura di Torino] for this masterpiece in my support!   

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Monday, 15 March 2010

Joined: 24/12/2008
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Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
...Trying covering crimes by further crimes...
Thank you, Italic Secret Police Bureaux and your Canadian allies! You have just produced NEW EVIDENCE IN MY FAVOUR!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
...You have invented some new slanders, with the documental evidence they are slanders already by the Refugee Protection Division in Vancouver BC.
Today, 15 March 2010, I have just received a document from the Refugee Protection Division in Vancouver BC [sent on 12 March 2010], the translation of a sheet of paper of the “Canadian Embassy in Rome”: “additional information received from police headquarters in Turin on the subject named above.”   

The Canadian Secret Police [CSIS] absolutely needed something against me for trying discrediting my refugee protection claim: some crime or some violent behaviour or similar.

My hearing had been initially called for 1 March 2010. It has been later delayed to 25 March 2010. The “Requests for verification” were sent, to Italian authorities, on 6 February 2009 and 26 March 2009. Perhaps, from Italy, they did not know what to answer. The Canadian Embassy in Rome received an answer on 4 February 2010. One year later!!!

Now, I know, perhaps, why my hearing has been delayed of some weeks. ...It may have been also for other reasons... Actually documents for the hearing have to be presented not later than 20 days before. I received this document 10 days before. No problem. It is evidence in my favour and only in my favour. ...They needed to discover some crime or some violent behaviour or similar. I have new evidence about their slanders. Also the Refugee Protection Division has now new evidence about their slanders!

The provided document is actually null, because it is referred to “Roberto Scaruffi, born on March 11, 2009 in La Spezia”. The translator commented: “[sic]”, after 2009. No problem! Please, consider it equally valid! Each word of that invalid document is in my favour!

[1] The document confirms I have NO criminal record. So, the Interpol information, as well as the information provided to Belgian, Chinese, Taiwanese, British, American, Canadian, Secret Police Bureaux, that I was a dangerous criminal with a criminal record were and are just slanders. “[...] the Court of Cassation dismissed the sentence and the First Section of the Turin Court of Assize and Appeal passed a final acquittal of all charges.” Despite the imprecise and deceptive legal language of the Italic authorities, I had and have no criminal record. ...OK!

However, for credibly rejecting a Refugee Protection Claim, in a case as mine, they needed and need at least some evidence of some violent behaviour. They had and have not... So, somebody invented it. There is documental evidence, already by the Refugee Protection Division in Vancouver BC, that they are only further slanders.

[2] “It appears that while he was in China as a student, in March 2004, he was expelled by the Chinese authorities for aggressive behaviour.” I was NEVER expelled from any country. NEVER! Italian Secret Police Bureaux have invented it. It is just a new slander. The Refugee Protection Division in Vancouver BC, has the certified photocopy of my old passport. Where is the expulsion? There is not, because it never happened. In the certified copy, one may find a further PRC visa from 12 March 2004 to 01 April 2004. There is my arrival in Hong Kong on 14 March 2004, with a 90 day visa. There is the departure from Hong Kong on 15 March 2004. There is my 15 March 2004 arrival to Taiwan. My passport was complete of all pages. In fact, the Refugee Protection Division in Vancouver BC has its integral certified copy.
Nothing happened in China from my side. There is no expulsion. Now, there is the certification “from police headquarters in Turin” of new slanders evidently provided them from Secret Police Bureaux. The Italic State Police officers and offices/bureaux are, in practice, just clerks of an Armed Force, which is also [military, with competence also on all the Italic subjects] police, the Carabinieri. And the Refugee Protection Division, in Vancouver BC, has documental evidence about these new slanders. They have [also] my old passport [in certified copy]...

Ah, there is also further interesting evidence about the confusional status of Italic Secret Police Bureaux and bureaucracies [not only that “born on March 11, 2009 in La Spezia”]:

[3] “In September 2008, Scaruffi attempted to embark for the United States of America at Tokyo Airport with the intention of asking for political asylum in that country, but he was refused boarding since he did not have the mandatory return flight ticket.” As the Refugee Protection Division in Vancouver BC may easily verify, I reached Canada on 31 August 2008 and I never left it, until now. In September 2008, I already was in Canada. I never moved from Vancouver BC.
I have already reported about my [illegal] kidnapping by the Tokyo airport after I talked with a U.S. immigration officer, and just he talked with U.S. Embassy officers (who immediately called the Italic “Embassy”). The Japanese “authorities”, after a night of [their] confusional state and behaviours (I was kidnapped by two clerks of the Tokyo Airport in constant touch with the Japanese “government”), let me go the day after, after obliging me to pay a ransom of about 400 euros. It is everything public.

[4] “There are several posting linked to Scaruffi on the Internet in which he expressed the belief that he is being persecuted and watched by the authorities.”
Thank you for the confirmation, and for letting to understand what might happen to me if I were ever obliged to go back to Italy.
Since, in Italy, prosecution in mandatory, it is original that there be no investigation on my heavy allegation against Italian and other “authorities”. This is the final evidence that they are criminal activities of Secret Police Bureaux, the same ones control prosecutors and magistracy. So, illegally, there is no investigation. This is also evidence on the conditions of law and order in Italy and not only in Italy.      

It is all.

Thank you, again! Thank you, again! Thank you, again!

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Joined: 24/12/2008
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Dino Sorrentino, Console d'Italia in Bruxelles
Curriculum vitae
Nato a Ravenna il 3 dicembre 1966.
Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli: laurea in scienze politiche, 10 luglio 1995.

Nominato Segretario di legazione in prova nella carriera diplomatica in seguito ad esame di concorso , 23 dicembre 2002.
Ministero degli Affari Esteri - Frequenta il corso di formazione professionale presso l’Istituto Diplomatico, 23 dicembre 2002-22 settembre 2003.
Ministero degli Affari Esteri - Direzione Generale per la Cooperazione Economica e Finanziaria Multilaterale, Ufficio VI (Ufficio Spazio, Tecnologia e Cooperazione Scientifica e Tecnologica) e Direzione Generale per i Paesi delle Americhe, Ufficio II (Coordinamento Paesi Centroamericani e Caraibi), 1 gennaio 23 settembre 2003.
Confermato in ruolo e nominato Segretario di legazione, 23 settembre 2003.
Vice Rappresentante Ufficio Italiano di promozione economica,Commerciale e Culturale di Taipei (Taiwan R.O.C.) 13 marzo 2004-8 agosto 2007.
Console d’Italia a Bruxelles, 3 settembre 2007.
When, in the early 2007, I went to Taipei for applying for a new passport (the old one was expiring), I asked the clerks of the Consulate to talk with somebody of the Secret Service. They called him, Dino Sorrentino.
He told me that the white torture was something absolutely normal, for him. He also told me that they had justified the cooperation they had asked and got from the Taiwanese military Secret Police (for the white torture and the social lynching) telling them (and also the U.S. and British secret services were cooperating with it and them) that I was a dangerous criminal with a criminal record and that I ought to be obliged to go back to Italy.
Actually, I have NO criminal record.
Just he told that, he realized what he had told. It was as he was suddenly coming out from a hypnotic state, jumped from his chair and escaped from the room with the excuse to check the dossier of my passport application. I had asked him NOTHING about my passport application. After some time, he came back and he told that everything was in order, about my passport application. I had asked him NOTHING about that.
Naturally he asked me: “When do you go back to Italy?” ...For organising a terrorist group and killing somebody the carabinieri’s Secret Police wants be killed?! NEVER!  

I have also another witness, in addition to others variously referred. One day [end September 2005, Taichung, ] a certain Mackie Orville, Canadian citizen then in Taichung, called one of his “friends”, a head of the Taiwanese police for asking him whether he had any information about me. This head of the Taiwanese police checked his computer and told him that I was a dangerous criminal with a criminal record. It was and is false.
Such are the methods of the criminal and insane pimps and liars of the carabinieri’s Secret Police and of whoever cooperates with them.

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith