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Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Joined: 24/12/2008
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Roberto Scaruffi

xxx, x. xxxxxx., Vancouver B.C.

RPD file n. xxxxx

client ID: xxxxx

To the Immigration and Refugee Board

Western Region

Library Square

Suite 1600 300 West Georgia St.

Vancouver, BC V6B 6C9


= your 23 December 2009 communications (from Mr. Barry Dhillon)


As clearly stated since my arrival on the Canadian territory (31 August 2008) my asylum request (against Italy, Belgium, China and RoC/Taiwan) is NOT specifically for events on the Italian territory. It is, instead, for what organised from the Italian State/“government” when I was abroad, specifically from the early year 2000 until now.

The demolition program organised from the Italian State/“government” articulates in white torture and social lynching, in practice an individualised obsessive long pogrom. I already provided the factual details: obsessive organised destructive [white] lynching by residence buildings (specifically white torture & privacy deprivation, in residence buildings), and by study and working places. The goal was: “he [I] must not be allowed to study and to work, not even to sleep and to live, abroad because he must be obliged to go back to Italy were equally he must not be allowed to work etc.” I already specified what they wanted from me in the context of these State/“government” criminal programs for producing and using forms of internal terrorism. I was not and I am not available. Since they are super-clandestine programs at NATO/military level, only your CSIS, or military special services, can provide you with the necessary information.

Since your CSIS-government cooperated with these crimes on the Taiwan territory (2004-2008), and now it is cooperating on the Canadian territory (2008-?), it is objectively my witnesses. I have not the power to ask it. You have.

Since your CSIS, for the continuation of their crimes on the Canadian territory, immediately (31 August 2008) asked for and get the cooperation of your CBSA, your Special Investigation Hearings Unit has information on these CSIS-CBSA crimes just it checks my name. Your Special Investigation Hearings Unit has only to tell the truth or, if it does not, it just will cover the CSIS and CSIS-CBSA crimes.

Best regards

Roberto Scaruffi

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith

Joined: 24/12/2008
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Sukhbir (Barry) Dhillon

Roberto Scaruffi

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith