Sukhbir (Barry) Dhillon
Sukhbir (Barry) Dhillon
Roberto Scaruffi
Thank you again, Mr. Berry or Barry etc. and CSIS-CBSA!
Thank you!
...So, even what pretends to be an “independent” functionary or authority cooperates with “government”/CSIS-CBSA crimes, crimes deployed, now, even on the Canadian territory both at operational level and at legal level.
If somebody sent for “advising you to well organise the case” [this is what was stated both from Mr. Berry or Barry etc and from a very sympathetic and very gay/joyful clerk at the reception] suggests you to “produce evidence” on irrelevant points which are not really object of the case, it is because they want it seem your “claims” were on irrelevant questions and not in what is already clearly stated, and even known to them since the full involvement of the CSIS-Canadian_”government” even, now, on the Canadian territory.
Now, you, also me if I ask for them, have even the tapes [I hope also with the face of Mr. Berry or Barry etc], the tapes that the “independent functionary” tried to talk ONLY on irrelevant questions, not really object of the case. I told that was not that the point, ...those irrelevant questions raised from the “independent” functionary, but instead the operation deployed also and obsessively abroad ...on which there was and there is full cooperation of the CSIS- Canadian_”government”. They [CSIS- Canadian_”government”] have all the evidence you need. Ask them!
If you refuse to deal with the case, you have already set how the case will go on...
If you deal with the case you have just to accept my asylum request, even without hearing if you want.
If you do not deal with the case, either on CSIS-Canadian_”government” suggestion or on your own initiative,... ...the hearing will be about what?
In the “Notice to Appear for a Conference” you stated:
“At the conference the participants will do one or more of the following:
“► discuss the issues,
“► discuss the relevant facts and
“► discuss any other matter that would make the proceeding more fair and efficient.”
Now you have even the tapes, as witnesses on what your “independent” functionary wanted to discuss and not to discuss about. He wanted to deviate the case on irrelevant and deceptive questions.
I stated clearly that you have only to “ask your secret service” not to suggest me to “produce evidence” on what has no connection with the case. You already have all the necessary evidence! It was everything written in my 6 November 2009 16-page-communication. Your “independent” functionary did not want to deal with it. He wanted only verify whether I were deceivable. ...Ridiculous and criminal!!!
...You wanted and you want just to cover psychotic criminals also of you “government” and to continue to cooperate with a criminal operation ItalianSecretPolice-NATO, operations for creating “government”-led internal terrorism!
...Check the tapes, keeping out what your “independent” functionary told only for letting taped trace of some formal and empty statement...
Roberto Scaruffi
Refusal, or precise will not, to understand a case.
Roberto Scaruffi
...ah, the precise dates were around 03 July 1981 [NOT 1980] and [until] 26 October 1984 [NOT 1983]. Probably you already had them. Why did you ask again?
Roberto Scaruffi
18 December 2009, 14:30
Roberto Scaruffi
6 November 2009
Roberto Scaruffi
xxx, xxxx., Vancouver B.C.
RPD file n. xxxxxxx
client ID: xxxxxx
To the Immigration and Refugee Board
Western Region
Library Square
Suite 1600 300 West Georgia St.
Vancouver, BC V6B 6C9
= Additional documents (information) as given the right to produce according to your IRB/CISR 189 (07/07)
I thank you, Sirs, for having sent me (on 18/12/2008, received on 19/12/2008) copy of the documentation, or of part of the documentation, you [and me] will be allowed to use when there will be the hearing for my asylum request.
Thank you, Sirs, also for the convocation (sent on 29/10/2009, received on 30/10/2009) for the 18/12/2009 [14:00] conference with a Refugee Protection Officer and a Minister’s representative.
It is, consequently, the right moment for my most sincere thanks to the criminal and insane pimps of your secret police, your CSIS. Just call them, or check their files if you have the proper clearance for accessing classified information. They have all the necessary evidence in my favour about the demolition program organised from Italian Secret Police Services in Taiwan and, UNTIL NOW, even on the Canadian territory. For more than four years they [your CSIS] cooperated with the demolition program in Taiwan. Just I reached [from Taipei, after the 20 hours kidnapping, on U.S. and Italian request, by the Tokyo airport] the Vancouver airport, where I immediately asked for asylum, they [your CSIS] took over your CBSA officers [specifically who dealt with me] and now they [your CSIS] are leading the demolition program on the Canadian territory.
I adore publicity. So, it is everything public.
For these last events:
with a rough copy in
Despite these public denunciations, there is no lawsuit against me because it is everything truthful and your CSIS&other[Dis]Services cannot afford any further publicity!
Ask them [your CSIS, alias your “government” or its criminal and insane fractions] about the whys of these [your] crimes and insanities. Don’t ask me. Put them in a psychiatric penitentiary!
If you ask you CSIS the long list of the militians they used for their insanities and crimes, you’ll have also a certain number of “refugee protection claimants” who automatically self-disqualified about their refugee protection claims. You may expel them even immediately, according your formal law. Ah, no, your CSIS/“government” love insane criminals cooperating with them! They’ll become very good Canadian citizens. You CSIS may provide you also with the name of the Canadian citizens, illegal workers in Taichung (Taiwan), who cooperated there, on their [CSIS] request, to the demolition program against me. A couple of names are somewhere here:
Your “Minister”’s representatives will try to argue that there is contradiction between my asking for asylum in Canada and those criminal and insane activities of your CSIS/“government” I denounce. The problem is yours, not mine. It was not my intention to reach Canada. I was going to Seattle. Only after the 20 hour kidnapping by the Tokyo airport, I reached Canada. By the Tokyo airport the kidnapping was realised after an U.S. Immigration officer, I had talked with, de facto alerted the U.S. embassy in Tokyo which alerted the Italian embassy. The kidnapping had the function to try creating incidents would have disqualified whatever my asylum request and to induce me to call the Italian embassy in Tokyo for help, what equally would have disqualified whatever my asylum request against Italy. The kidnapping was realised from two airport clerks who illegally took my passport, illegally kept it until I left Tokyo, and brought me to a blank area of the airport, where I could not buy any flight ticket (after mine was not anymore valid, was useless, since, at a flight transfer with new check-in, I was not allowed to take the flight for Seattle since my ticked was only a go ticket). They were constantly calling Japanese “government” officers. They acted on their instructions. They needed to create incidents. They failed. Just back to Taipei, although I could buy there a direct only go ticket to the U.S.A., what had happened in Tokyo suggested me to reach Vancouver B.C. It was the will of the sky, perhaps...
Anyway, that your “government”-CSIS be involved in very serious crimes, insanities and human right violations, now even on the Canadian territory, is your business. It disqualifies you, you “government”, your “country” and your subjects, NOT my asylum request. My asylum request is on the basis of your formal law. If your formal law is a cover for very serious “government” crimes, insanities and human right violations is your business. YOU, EACH ONE of YOU (NOT your “Minister”’s representatives; they are generally taken over by your CSIS pimps and their “morality” is bought by their salaries and other benefits; who obeys orders has no morality), have to choose between being submitted to your formal law or to the criminal and insane pimps of your secret police (CSIS) and of your “government” or its fractions.
About the various documents you have sent me on 18/12/2008 (received on 19/12/2008), about my declarations, I recognize as mine only what I have written by myself, specifically:
[1] the four pages I have handwritten, while [perhaps illegally, see later] locked in a waiting room without dictionaries and without computers and only with a pen (without pencils and erasers) the same night I arrived and immediately asked for asylum at the Vancouver airport (on 31 August 2008), for answering to the two questions a CBSA officer (a female; ...if she yet has the blue/azure box of my glasses, please give it back to me) asked me to answer “in a couple of pages”: “Please, write down [a] why did you ask for asylum in Canada and [b] what are the reasons of your refugee protection claim?”
[2] what I have written in the PIF I have personally submitted on 12 September 2008.
Whatever else, even the few pages signed also from me, but illegally written [form IMM5474(05-2005)E is predisposed for being written from the applicant, NOT for being typed by CBSA officers] from CBSA officers who interpreted and misinterpreted what I told and informal notes they asked me (and I wrote and gave to them; ask them to produce them!), is just rubbish produced from your immigration officers taken over from the criminal and insane pimps of your secret police, your CSIS. They had received the order to try to discredit my asylum request for covering the CSIS crimes and insanities on the Taiwanese territory. ...Ask them!
Your CBSA officers, took over from your secret police (CSIS), have produced just stacks of rubbish, have not done their duty and have also let stacks of evidence of their misbehaviour. All the procedures they followed, relatively to me, have been odd. Check the stack of paper they have produced... ...Read carefully it! Compare it with what they usually do in asylum request cases!
For example, the four pages I have handwritten, while locked in a waiting room without dictionaries and without computers and only with a pen (without pencils and erasers), were written when I was kept in illegal detention [only one hour perhaps, not more!]. Why? That I was under [the usual administrative] detention [for refugee protection claimants] was communicated to me later, NOT when I wrote those pages. Differently they should have allowed me to use dictionaries, erasers and, eventually, also my computer. I asked. They said “no”.
Usually, people are not asked to write such pre-declarations. This was the first [failed] attempt to discredit my asylum request. They were acting under instructions of the criminal and insane pimps of your secret police (CSIS) and of your “government” or its fractions. Ask them! It is sufficient a telephone call. They remember. For your CBSA officer, it is not a current practice to act under the instructions of criminal and insane pimps of your secret police. Generally, your CSIS does not mind about “refugee protection claimants”. I was a very special case.
The object of my refugee protection claim was and is a long lasting demolition operation from the Italian “government” (he must not be allowed to work, to have further degrees and he must be obliged to go back to Italy [...where he must organise a red terrorist band for one or some of the usual secret police induced murders]) with international cooperation (Belgian, Chinese, Taiwanese, Canadian, U.S., Japanese). All this was synthetically stated in the “couple of pages” I wrote for your Immigration officers when they asked me to write them in the already told conditions.
Such programs, for trying producing internal terrorism, have evidently NATO promotion, benediction and active involvement. The devices for watching through walls (used for the attempted white torture, NOT for police surveillance what might have been legitimate) are military devices. In Italy, the powerless police service is a civilian police service. It is not allowed to use such devices. In Italy, from its creation on London will, the real police [dis]service is a military corps, Carabinieri []. It has, formally, the same status of Army, Navy and Air Force. De facto, its status is superior to Army, Navy and Air Force. In fact, the Carabinieri corps is also military police, secret police, secret service of the President of the Republic and Presidential Guard (one of its units, the Corazzieri Regiment, & ). Such military and omnipotent corps is also police or super-police, since Carabinieri de facto control, supervise, the “normal” police. For example, Carabinieri have the disposability of military devices for watching through walls and they can ask NATO and other cooperation for their criminal activities around the world (actually they use these devices also in Italy, not only for demolition programs, but, generally, for organising blackmails against politicians on request of the Presidency of the Republic, which, in Italy, has dictatorial powers on magistracy, prosecutors included, and de facto the control of Carabinieri and their various secret police [dis]services). Carabinieri can falsify and currently falsify Interpol files. They do it both for protecting criminals and for persecuting citizens for their [of the Carabinieri] insane and criminal operations.
It is everything public:
Carabinieri cannot afford a lawsuit or a prosecution [Carabinieri’s secret police [dis]services control prosecutors and magistracy, on Presidency of the Republic mandate] against me. They have asked the cooperation of yours and other insane and criminal “governments” for trying my liquidation, when it was clear that their operation for producing internal terrorist had failed, in my case, and even more now that I have made nearly everything public.
Failed this first attempt (perhaps, your CSIS officers, in their deliria, self-convinced themselves that I could not write some pages!!!), the other [failed] attempt to find something for discrediting my asylum request was at the search. Criminal and insane pimps of your secret police services are always sure... ...They are borderline subjects... ...Also your CBSA officer in charge of my search was sure... However, they found NOTHING!
Is current procedure of your immigration officers to look hysterically for medicines and “treatments”? Do you search for that, or also for that, illegal workers crossing illegally your frontier and your Immigration officers beg for making them asking for “protection”? Do you search for that, or also for that, “refugee protection claimants” entering Canada (you cannot know with what), getting the visitor visa and only later, so deceiving you, asking for asylum? Why do you not currently search the baggage (and rooms) of refugee protection claimants entered Canada as visitors and asking for asylum only later?
Anyway, I have been very happy to be searched. Unfortunately, there is NO search report. Your immigration officers took my computer and software for “searching” it. [Not] Strangely, there is NO report. Perhaps, it was the cleanest computer of the world without anything suspect or deviant.
Your secret police, your CSIS, had ordered your immigration officers to find some medicine could discredit my asylum request. There were NOT!
Your Indian or Pakistani male Immigration officer, he was in charge of the search, was very disappointed not to have found anything against me in my baggage and on me. So, near the end of the search, when it was evident that I was absolutely clean, he had a little hysterical explosion: “Don’t you have any treatment?! Don’t you have any treatment?! Are you not under treatment?!” He seemed really upset, ...more than upset. Ask him! Do you Canadians or your Immigration officers or your secret police [dis]services’ officers currently use medicines and other substances [perhaps from Afghanistan], so that they were disappointed that one [me] had no “treatment”? Should I use “treatments”? Which “treatments”? Why? For what? A few days after I was admitted on the Canadian territory, I passed a meticulous medical checking and you have it. There is also the blood analysis. Are perhaps you disappointed that I currently do not use any treatment and any medicine?
The final, perhaps miserable, attempt of the day [the night between 31/08/2008 and 01/09/2008], or perhaps or probably it was the procedure, was the request, with a trembling, a bit desperate, voice, from a female Immigration officer [the same kept my spectacle box and it was the last time a saw it], while I was, as usual, absolutely quiet: “Are you violent? Do you have suicidal tendencies?” I was very amused even if I dissimulated that. Do they and you and you secret police officers really think that one asks for asylum for aggressing Immigration officers or for committing suicide in an Immigration cell [actually very comfortable and with very kind wardens]?! Are such the mental and moral condition of your secret police and other officers? ...That when your CSIS/“government” officers suggest/order insane behaviours to other officers and subjects they are believed and obeyed?!!! It is what happened and what currently happens... ...Actually, this is consistent: insane and criminal people believe and support each other, even outside and against whatever rationality and morality!
Instead of using my initial written, I suppose clear, declarations for a fruitful interview, your Immigration officers, under the direction of the criminal and insane pimps of your secret police, your CSIS, just produced a stack of rubbish, in occasion of the interview. It was your CSIS which asked them to produce it. Enjoy it. It is yours, not mine. It is signed from your immigration officers, NOT for me. There are NOT my language, my words, my expressive codes. My initial 4 pages were really asked from your CSIS-CBSA officers for trying disqualifying my asylum request. Failed this attempt, they did not use those useful 4 pages. They even tried to put them at the end, instead on the top, of the block of papers you sent me. What your CSIS-CBSA had asked against me is now there against them! ...It is a usual pattern...
Since, even this stack of rubbish, the interview, was not really usable against me, they invented, under CSIS orders. They have written what they have invented. Now, you may admire everything. There are interested and evident deceptions, on CSIS request.
For example, when your immigration officers asked me about the devices for watching through walls, I not only declared that I saw them (I also told that I even detected them in some way, casually, by radio, when they, sometimes, were switched off and on), but that they were very strong, with very strong waves, so easily detectable for example even from satellite, in my opinion. They wrote the opposite. They wrote that they are not detectable from satellite. ...Anyway, it not necessary that you disturb the Echelon structures. Just check the computers, the files, of your CSIS. Your CSIS was involved also in this crime [the attempted white torture] in Taiwan, not only in the support to the social lynching. Ask them! Ask your CSIS! They know everything! They have written everything in their files.
So, since, even this stack of rubbish, produced as “interview”, was not usable against me, they invented, under CSIS orders.
Check your BCA5051(06-2002)B form. It is a splendid example of attempted denigration under CSIS orders. ...A classic of the demolition program, a classic of social lynching. For, example there is nowhere any my declaration about “family” or “mother” “physiological problems”. No one, in my family, had or has any “physiological problem”. Check it! Here, there are the four different branches of my family: Scaruffi, Castellano, Pata and Simari. ...Check, if you can find anything. ...They are very crowded families, with a lot of people. Check whether you can find “physiological problems”. In the sections of this families may affect me, you’ll find NO psychological as well as NO criminal “problem”.
Also the other assertions written in the same form and with approval of your “minister” are deliria. They are free inventions, slanders, since the order of the CSIS to produce some rubbish for trying hampering, or for showing they had tried hampering, my asylum request.
These “family” assertions follow, naturally, a precise perverse pattern. They are pseudo-psychoanalysis for cops, or for leftists, “fascists” and agnostics of your CSIS/“government”. I asked for asylum essentially since a “government[s’]”/State[s’] operation. In my initial 4 pages, there is no reference to any family affair, because there is no family affair. However, your CBSA officers had received precise [“precise” but confuse, as always happens, in bureaucracies, in such cases] orders... Actually, your CBSA officers were receiving precise [but confuse] orders, because they were in constant communication with your CSIS for checking how the matter [the attempt to shit me, during my interview] was evolving. So, they received the order to create some “family affair”. ...Ask your CSIS...
- “What do you think of your father?”
- “A very good person...”
- “Ah, you did not like him. ...And what about your mother?”
- “I have no idea...”
- “Ah, she is crazy!”
Such was the way of proceeding... ...Pure schizophrenia! ...They had precise (but confuse) orders...!!!
Your CBSA officers, although formally very kind, had the typical perverted shadows of people involved in a lynching, in a pogrom, and who had built some self-justification for their enthusiastic participation to the lynching, to the pogrom, ...under CSIS direction and cover.
I had no control in what they were writing. Overall, I had no control on the perverted way of leading the interview. An argument, an explanation, suddenly cut, becomes just shit may be used in whatever way. It is not what the interviewed was telling. It becomes what the interviewers want to tell it was.
They had received perverted orders.
They adhered to that orders.
They have now (then) produced evidence of their misbehaviour. What they have written is there. What I have written is equally there. My initial four pages and the two week older PIF have the same language and the same arguments. What your CBSA officers have written, of supposed my declarations, are something different and it may demonstrated is different.
Perhaps, they even confessed that to me: “We intentionally have to casually write more than we can...” Really, is that common practice? You certainly know whether in the other cases their work is to casually assemble phrases, half sentences, cut arguments, cut reasoning. Do they ALWAYS work in such a way? Really?!
In occasion of the hearing for the admission on the Canadian territory, after tree nigh detention by the Vancouver airport, it was told the Minister’s representative and “my” counsel I found by the Immigration offices for assisting me in occasion of the same hearing that I ought not be allowed not even to walk on the Canadian soil. Such was the “order” they had received. Ask them! And ask your CSIS/“government” the whys and how they could and can justify that. They were only trying to cover previous crimes by new crimes. It is what they are continuing to do.
The point was that the Minister’s representative and “my” counsel did not know how to justify such delirium from your CSIS/”government”. ...On the front line there was the counsel. “My” counsel asked me, just I met him: “When were you born?” I answered: “11 March 1951.” He immediately had as a psychological breakdown. He started to shout: “It is impossible! It is impossible! Do you see... ...They are right, they are right to tell that you are not able not even to walk by yourself.” Could you check when I was born? I think I was really born that day... ...Do you/them have, or had you/them, any different date? Perhaps, the counsel hoped that I hit him or that I had some reaction usable against me... ...As you may understand, I have a certain practice on how to deal with insane and mad people...
I was looking at him coldly, but intimately amused. It was evident that, if there was a mad in that room, that mad was not me.
So, perhaps a bit deluded, he called the “Minister”’s representative...
Ask him! Ask them! They remember! They are not contacted everyday from criminal and insane pimps of your secret police (CSIS) ordering them to cooperate with their crimes and insanities. They remember that day. Ask them!
The criminal and insane pimps of your secret police/“government” are contagious and too many people are in critical psychological and moral conditions, so easily infectable from them. Psychopaths and criminals spontaneously reciprocally support...
Your CSIS/“government” had told your CBSA officers, your Minister’s representative and “my” counsel that I had reached Canada and asked for asylum ...for escaping just after asked for asylum. Please, think a moment of that. Please, think of it! It is an absolute madness, ...even only to imagine to think such nonsense. The point is that your Minister’s representative and “my” counsel behaved as they believed even such further delirium. Your CSIS-CBSA officers even wrote such and other deliria.
I had a passport valid until 2017. I could enter Canada without any problem. I had no need to ask for asylum, for remaining in Canada for a while or also forever ...“escaping”. One does not need to ask for asylum, if one wants to live and to work illegally in Canada.
In fact, “my” 3 September 2008 counsel told severely: “Do not try to escape! They’ll find you!”
To escape to what? Why to escape?
You know “my” 3 September 2008 counsel. I have no idea where to find him. Is he usually openly mad or only when he receives strange orders from the criminal and insane pimps of your secret police/“government”?
Ah, there is also, for me, this odd obligation to appear once a month (generally, the first Thursday), for formally checking whether I am escaped I do not know where, and because your CSIS-CBSA claimed, it is also written in the paper produced from your CBSA officers, I would have been unable to comply with whatever administrative obligation. You may check whether had I ever forgot to appear each first Thursday of each month. Reality demolished whatever slander used for justifying the anyway insane and criminal demolition operation of which your CSIS/“government” are part and accomplices. However, they are incurable insane criminals. Psychotics, as people of secret police [dis]services are, become more insane at each failure, each time reality does not conform to their previous crimes and slanders... So, they always insist with new slanders, insanities and crimes.
Anyway, is this odd obligation a current practice? People asking for asylum after entering the Canadian territory as tourists, so cheating you, are generally NOT submitted to such obligation. I asked for asylum even before the airport counters. It was the most honest and transparent way. Also some people tried to cross illegally your frontier, and your Immigration officers encouraged in their crime begging them to ask for “protection”, are not submitted to such obligation. The crimes of your CSIS/“government” are public! How do you justify them? By going on with the cooperation [now it is 6 year old, in my case, for what concerns your CSIS/“government”] with other criminal and insane deficience [dis]services and “governments”?
Such are the moral, psychological and behavioural conditions of your CSIS/“government” officers, and of the CBSA officers cooperated with them, who produced the rubbish you may admire for my “refugee protection claim” case. ...But also of your “Minister”’s representatives and of counsels paid from your “government”.
...Do your CBSA/“government” officers having operated in this way in my case belong to the same border services, and government/State, which, when catch somebody trying to illegally cross the borders for entering in Canada, if the illegal workers or immigrants [generally “escaping” from U.S. crackdowns] are of the “right” (according some personal or government/State stereotype) country, push them to ask for asylum [“You need protection! You need protection! Please, declare that you need protection!”; perhaps, according paragraph 99 (3) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, your CBSA/“government” officers need a [fake] asylum request before the removal order] and provide them support and permanent free legal aid (from the various para-CSIS-“government”/State “legal aid” free services) for making up improbable stories (with the same support of the same Embassies of the States/”governments” would have persecuted or not protected them) destined to be eventually unanimously believed? Is that for increasing the statistical data about asylum concessions with perhaps fake cases? Is all that conform to the spirit of the international resolutions about refugees and asylum seekers, your Immigration and Refugee Protection Act claims to accept and implement?
I had no idea whether that is usual procedure, however you may see that your CBSA have not produced any evidence in favour or against what I have declared. Do I, and you, have to suppose that, since they have not produced any evidence, they could NOT find anything AGAINST me? So, whatever they could have produced, that would have been in my favour?
They have not produced my falsified Interpol file.
They have not produced anything about the slanders there are in my Interpol file and again repeated them from your CSIS&ItalianSecretPolice.
They have not produced my clean criminal record.
They have not produced anything about my completed and academically perfect PhD research but without the formal concession of the PhD degree since the intervention of a Belgian Secret police [dis]service, in cooperation with an Italian secret police [dis]service, on the Université Catholique de Louvain (LLN, Belgium). In 1999, the Belgian secret police had contacted first the rector of the Université Catholique de Louvain (LLN, Belgium) and involved the University in white torture (by a university accommodation, beginning of the year 2000) and social lynching (with final no concession of the formal degree, although the PhD was NEVER declared failed; it is a kind of not failed, actually academically perfect, PhD, “staying” for ever since intervention of a Belgian secret police [dis]service on Italian request).
They have not produced any declaration from Italian secret police [dis]services/“government”.
They have not produced any declaration from Belgian secret police [dis]services/“government”.
They have not produced any declaration from Chinese secret police [dis]services/“government”.
They have not produced any declaration from Taiwanese secret police [dis]services/“government”.
In the same logic of deceiving, of suppressing essential evidence, you may [not] find, in the documents you have sent me, my email to the Taichung prosecutor, which, actually, your CBSA officers have omitted in its core. They have “forgotten” it! They have “forgotten” the text. Your CBSA officers have found it. However, they have reproduced only the pictures of the devices for watching through walls and the final page with my signature. Apparently strangely, or not at all strangely, your CBSA officers, or the CSIS-“government”/State officers supervising them, have NOT reproduced my email, what I had written, the email body, to the Prosecutor of Taichung.
It is here:
Sent on 29 April 2008, 20:01 to:
Best regards
Roberto Scaruffi
born in La Spezia, on 11 March 1951
Roberto Scaruffi
403 Taichung City / 台中
Taiwan / 臺灣
No answer, naturally. Taiwan is a military dictatorship under martial law, only formally lifted, in 1987, on U.S. Congress request, for continuing receiving U.S. weapons.
Not even any legal consequence for me, although it were and be highly “offensive” [it was and is everything true! ...what I reported], overall for the super-paranoid Cinesoids. They could not afford a public case! ...In Taiwan, as well as in Italy, Belgium and China, prosecution is compulsory. Evidently, I had slandered NOBODY... And, evidently, they could not even imagine to try to mount a case for mental problems. They, only they, and whoever cooperated and cooperates with them, have mental, as well as criminal, “problems”!
Your CSIS-CBSA officers had just tried to produce some rubbish, from my supposed interview, from which to extract some invention useful to the CSIS purposes. I had no control on what they have written.
For instance, I never used the words or the concepts “monitor”, “monitored”, “monitoring”. It was and it is NOT that the question. I do NOT worry about “monitoring”, being monitored, about privacy violation or privacy deprivation. It may seem strange. However, I absolutely do NOT worry about that. It was and is not that the question. It was not a police surveillance. In fact, although under secret police supervision, they use irregulars, common insane and criminal idiots, happy to participate to a lynching, to a pogrom, who are provided with illegal devices for the white torture. They watched and watch for [attempted] white torture, NOT for surveillance. It was and is a demolition operation, with attempted [they realised and realise it but I was and am absolutely indifferent to such “government” and para-“government” louses, in fact these louses suffered and suffer high “mortality” since their impotent deliria] white torture using illegal instruments, and mob recruited ad hoc, and social lynching, a long lynching, a long pogrom. I did NOT ask for asylum for a 8.5 year long (now nearly, in a while, 10 year) privacy violation. It was not and it is not this the question. It is for the whole insane and criminal operation organised in Italy and from Italy and of which also your “government” is perfectly informed since it is accomplice. It is about 6 years now that your “government” is an active accomplice, on the Taiwanese and on the Canadian territories. Ask it! Ask them! You must already know that.
For example, in form IMM-5474(05-2005)E your Immigration officers preferred to write that I was convicted. They did not know or they simulated not to know the difference between arrest or preventive detention and conviction. I was NEVER convicted.
They preferred to write that I had been refused admission to some countries. It is FALSE. An air-company check-in is not a State authority. It is only an air-company check-in. In Tokyo (NOT in Taiwan), at the check-in, they wanted a return ticked. I wanted to use my one-way one. I reached Canada with a one-way ticket from Taipei. Your CBSA officers were confused and annihilated from what told them from your CSIS/“government” officers and from “my” falsified Interpol file. So, they wrote nonsense.
On the basis of the same falsified Interpol file, and on the connected slanders, your CSIS asks to reject my asylum request. They tell that it is a State question because they have secret and sure information that... There are ONLY slanders built for insane and criminal purposes and now for trying dissimulating past and present insanities and crimes even of your CSIS and “government”. I am involved in nothing. I am the purest person of the world! Although the Italian secret police [dis]services, your CSIS/“government”, the other secret police [dis]services and “governments”, the hundred psychotics and criminals gave at least some cooperation to them, would be anyway insane criminals, they have not even the slightest [pseudo-]“justification”. They are 100% psychotic criminals organising and participating to a long lasting lynching, to a long lasting individualised pogrom. There is not even no “government”/State rationality. There are just “government”/State insanities and crimes.
For instance, always about form IMM-5474(05-2005)E, if your Immigration Officers wanted my ten (10) Taiwan addresses they might let me to check my computer. Idem, about previous addresses. Later they’ll write somewhere that in Taiwan and elsewhere I was something as a homeless. From 1995 to 2008 I was always registered to universities and I daily attended universities! Also in China and in Taiwan. Your CSIS-CBSA/“government” officers just needed to produce some rubbish. Usual slanders.
There are other errors and mistakes in whatever your Immigration officers have written.
By my signature in form IMM-5474(05-2005)E, I certified the intentional or unintentional errors and mistakes of your Immigration officers, better of your CSIS-CBSA officers. I naturally signed “I declare that the information I have given is truthful, complete and correct.” I have given truthful, complete [compatibly with the fact that they did not let me to use my computer, my “files”] and correct information. It is only that they wrote what they wanted and THEY changed the “truthful, complete and correct” information I have given to them. Anyway, as I had already evidenced, form IMM5474(05-2005)E was illegally or irregularly written from your CBSA officers. Form IMM5474(05-2005)E is predisposed for being written from the applicant, NOT for being typed by CBSA officers.
Now you have evidence, produced from your same CBSA officers, of what they produce when they are involved in, accomplices of, a criminal and insane operation of your CSIS/“government”.
The 10 pages of SUPPOSED my declarations, “my” interview, are largely non-understandable, using even words I never use and then I did not use, and de facto falsified. These 10 pages have NOT my signature. I knew, for the first time, the contents of those pieces of writing when you mailed me them. Actually, there are two forms IMM-1392-(06-202)-B.
...You may admire the perversion, in this case, of your CSIS-CBSA officers...
The first IMM-1392-(06-202)-B form precedes the other 9 pages. There is not my signature. Under “Signature of declarant” there is the signature of a second Immigration officer.
In a “strange” composition, these 10 pages are followed (in the “pack” given to me) by another IMM-1392-(06-202)-B form with my signature but containing no declaration and no specific reference to the following four handwritten pages, only a generic reference to the “following pages”. It precedes the four pages I handwrote and signed when, just arrived, after some hours waiting in front of the Immigration offices, on 31 August 2008 evening-night I was locked in a room without dictionaries, de facto in detention before the usual and formal detention (common for asylum requests at the border) was notified, without pencils and without erasers, and, following some ad personam procedure (your CSIS said to them: “Ask him to write some pages... ...we’ll fuck him before whatever other step! We have to try to deport him immediately to Italy! We cannot absolutely deal with him here!”), it was asked me to write a couple of pages for answering the two questions I answered to. Failed this first attempt, the formal procedure began. Ask your CSIS... Ask your CBSA...
Anyway, in the odd, false and deceptive, composition of your CBSA [at least in the package I received], the first act, my initial 4 pages, are hidden after all the rubbish produced from your CBSA officers and specifically after the 10 page [schizophrenic; ...they led it in such a way...] “interview”. Yes, they are hidden. What is evidence that the 4 handwritten pages where precious while the other papers, while useless for trying denying or contradicting them, were indispensable to your CSIS-“government” for trying shitting me. Now the shit is back to them. They have produced it. Enjoy it. The evidence against them is in their same papers.
For example, about your claims in your form BCA-5051-(06-2002)-B, your Immigration officers had ALL my addresses of the previous decades, since they had my computer (in it there were and there are ALL my addresses) and some of my residence documents, for example, in China and Taiwan. ...They could ask the CSIS, if they wanted my previous addresses... For showing that they wrote slanders, for producing evidence against their same slanders, your immigration officers produced the photocopies of residence papers with my Chinese and Taiwanese addresses. ...In psychology there is a common syndrome called the impulse to confess... Your CBSA officers claimed “subject has had no fixed address in the recent past and had moved continuously.” While, on the contrary, everywhere I went, I had a fixed address and your Immigration officers had my documents proving and stating it! They have even provided the photocopies. In addition, they knew that your CSIS/“government” had and have full information about my case because fully involved and accomplice.
Again, “subject is unable to appreciate the nature of the procedures relating to his application for protection in Canada”. Can they prove that? They asked me something about the “admissibility hearing”. “Admission” comes from Latin. Admission means admission, “the act of allowing to enter”. …To enter in a physical or non-physical place, in a procedure, etc. They were incapable to tell me that the admissibility hearing was about the admission on the Canadian territory. Actually, they pretended to charge the judge also of something else but the judge, wisely, told that that was not his jurisdiction. Admission, without any specification, means nothing. It remains unspecified. So, two other CBSA officers stated that odd incapability “to appreciate procedures”. Do they really think that one asks for asylum and refuses any legal assistance (before the admissibility hearing; I did not ask for but I was happy to have a counsel, even if under CSIS/“government” influence, in occasion of the admissibility hearing) without the capability to understand the documents submitted to him, bureaucratic procedures and, perhaps, something else?
Further, “subject stated that the situation in his home country is undesirable (etc.)” When? Where? I never talked, generally I never talk, about politics or country situations. I asked for asylum for me. I do not discuss about “my” “home country” situation. Under CSIS orders, your CBSA officers simulated not to understand the case or they did not really understand the case.
The most hilarious claim, in your BCA-5051-(06-2002)-B form, is (I have already talked here about it) “subject stated that his mother has physiological problems”, followed from “subject stated that his family has a history of physiological problem”, so “he” [me] must not be admitted in Canada. When? Where? As I have already written before, they try to ask something and to write something about that. They wrote what they wanted. ...The CSIS pretended they produced some rubbish... I am not informed about any “physiological problem”. There is no “physiological problem”. The CSIS had ordered them to try to dissimulate governments’ insanities and crimes behind some family matter. There are NO family matters. There are only governments’ crimes and insanities you cannot afford to make public because would show what you are behind the mask of “civilised” laws and procedures. Prosecute your CSIS! The two CBSA officers asked me about my father. I told them that he was a very good person. They wrote that I did not like him. Better, since their impulse to confess their misbehaviour they mixed my assertion that he was a very good person with their conclusion that I did not like him. Really, “genial”! Such was the “interview”. When my brother informed me that he was died (some years ago), my email answer was: “....Really a great man!” Ask the Echelon system and they’ll find it for you! The other parent is alive so I cannot quote any my private comment for similar circumstance.
The “geniuses” and “equilibrated”, and also with really “high” “morality”, persons of your CSIS (in the context of their cooperation with Italian secret police services) have contacted and took over, here in Canada, after your CBSA, the place where I live, the social assistance (pre-condition, in my case, for applying for the work permit), study places (where I was sent from the social assistance, while waiting for the work permit), working places, religious congregations, for diffusing slanders and getting their insane and criminal cooperation for trying creating incidents, not to give me study certificates (it happened in a pseudo-culinary school of the social assistance & its contractor, which actually gives “degree” to everybody after simple, even idle, presence/pseudo-attendance, but not to me ...on CSIS order!), not to admit to religious classes (it happen with the Congregation Beth Israel; ...ask Rabbi Infeld! ...other case of CSIS pimps’ intervention and insane-criminal orders), eventually to fire me, to try to organise white torture with the usual illegal devices and criminal acts in the residence place (...ask Vincent Fodera & Co. by American Backpackers! ...a CSIS militians’ chief, now!). Such are the activity of your CSIS on the Canadian territory. Ask them! ...Usual demolition program! [ lynching-pogrom + white torture (building’s lynching-pogrom...)] Check the CSIS files. They write reports for each one of such illegal, abusive and criminal interventions. They write very frequent reports for their insane and criminal intervention still going on. They have written everything. They have to justify the movements, the costs and the salaries of their pimps, the cooperation of their insane and criminal militians, and the illegal instruments they have used and they are using.
You’ll find everything here:
with a rough copy in
What is the connection between your full cooperation with the butchers of the Italian [and other] secret police bureaux and “government”, and the claims of your Immigration and Refugee Protection Act about “to promote international justice and security by fostering respect for human rights”, and about your adhesion to the “Refugee Convention” and to the “Convention Against Torture”? Are your formal laws just propaganda for covering the practices of the psychotics and criminals of your, and other countries, secret police bureaux and “governments”?
Your Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, Part 2, Division 1, recall the Refugee Convention and the Convention Against Torture, both pertinent in my case, in my opinion. I asked and ask for asylum according this formal legal frame.
Your Immigration and Refugee Protection Act states, in 3.(2):
“The objectives of this Act with respect to refugees are
“(a) to recognize that the refugee program is in the first instance about saving lives and offering protection to the displaced and persecuted;
“(b) to fulfil Canada’s international legal obligations with respect to refugees and affirm Canada’s commitment to international efforts to provide assistance to those in need of resettlement;
“(c) to grant, as a fundamental expression of Canada’s humanitarian ideals, fair consideration to those who come to Canada claiming persecution;
“(e) to establish fair and efficient procedures that will maintain the integrity of the Canadian refugee protection system, while upholding Canada’s respect for the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all human beings;
Your 1982 Constitution Act states: “15.(1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.
...Now, the game is public...
And, since I have no criminal and no psychiatric record, not even any occasional use of psycho-medicines, you CSIS/“government”[or its criminal and insane fractions] and its Italic and other accomplices cannot use the usual deceptive self-defensive claims they use when their demolition operation are successful. They are just self-fucking and self-shitting themselves and fucking and shitting you all.
You do not need any “country” documentation in this case. All “government” State bureaucracies, all “countries”, are equally shittish, in the world, as you can infer from my emblematic case. Too many of you are eager to participate in lynching and pogroms, just some “government”/State gives the order to do that. Mine is a specific, although emblematic case, and your CSIS/“government” already has all the documentation in my favour and even more.
Best regards
Roberto Scaruffi
Roberto Scaruffi
Roberto Scaruffi
xxx, x. xxxxxx., Vancouver B.C.
RPD file n. xxxxx
client ID: xxxxx
To the Immigration and Refugee Board
Western Region
Library Square
Suite 1600 300 West Georgia St.
Vancouver, BC V6B 6C9
= your 23 December 2009 communications (from Mr. Barry Dhillon)
As clearly stated since my arrival on the Canadian territory (31 August 2008) my asylum request (against Italy, Belgium, China and RoC/Taiwan) is NOT specifically for events on the Italian territory. It is, instead, for what organised from the Italian State/“government” when I was abroad, specifically from the early year 2000 until now.
The demolition program organised from the Italian State/“government” articulates in white torture and social lynching, in practice an individualised obsessive long pogrom. I already provided the factual details: obsessive organised destructive [white] lynching by residence buildings (specifically white torture & privacy deprivation, in residence buildings), and by study and working places. The goal was: “he [I] must not be allowed to study and to work, not even to sleep and to live, abroad because he must be obliged to go back to Italy were equally he must not be allowed to work etc.” I already specified what they wanted from me in the context of these State/“government” criminal programs for producing and using forms of internal terrorism. I was not and I am not available. Since they are super-clandestine programs at NATO/military level, only your CSIS, or military special services, can provide you with the necessary information.
Since your CSIS-government cooperated with these crimes on the Taiwan territory (2004-2008), and now it is cooperating on the Canadian territory (2008-?), it is objectively my witnesses. I have not the power to ask it. You have.
Since your CSIS, for the continuation of their crimes on the Canadian territory, immediately (31 August 2008) asked for and get the cooperation of your CBSA, your Special Investigation Hearings Unit has information on these CSIS-CBSA crimes just it checks my name. Your Special Investigation Hearings Unit has only to tell the truth or, if it does not, it just will cover the CSIS and CSIS-CBSA crimes.
Best regards
Roberto Scaruffi
Roberto Scaruffi
Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith